
Questions for parents coming from a girl?

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Parents, do you think about your kids a lot? Like do you worry about their social standing at school and if other kids talk to them? And is there ever a little competition between parents, like whose kid is smarter, prettier, etc? I'm just curious lol if my parents are like that. Tell me about your kids and your relationship is with them, what your hopes and worries are with them.

Love Haleigh<3




  1. one day you&#039;ll be in the deeper waters of life, &quot;competition between parents&quot; and &quot;social standing&quot; will seem so shallow and vapid you&#039;ll wonder why you ever cared about those &quot;questions&quot; at all.

  2. My kids are still pretty young but believe me I worry about their future heaps.. I worry about the influences of people might have on them, I worry about the peer pressure that might be put on them...

    My hopes for my kids are, that they can make the right decisions for THEIR lives... That they achieve all that they set themselves out for, and accept failure with grace and grow from it not dwell on it.

  3. I just want my kids to be happy. I would never feel good knowing that my kids were being teased or made fun of for something that I could prevent...thats all...That is my biggest that they are healthy, safe and happy

  4. Yes I do. My twin boys are two of the most popular kids in their class, my younger son is strange and eccentric but so caring, he&#039;s truly an individual and I do fear he&#039;ll be picked on but I&#039;ll always allow him to be who he is, my daughter is in pre kindergarten and has made a lot of friends so far but is quite hyper and I know Im going to get complaints from the teacher soon lol but that&#039;s just her personality. As long as theyre happy thats the main thing.

  5. All mothers do is think about their children. Mothers love and long for their children. Their hearts ache for them, over them. A woman bleeds when she gives birth, but that is only the beginning of her bleeding. Her heart - enlarged by all she endures with and through her child&#039;s life, all she prays and works and hopes for on her child&#039;s behalf- bleed too.  

  6. Yes, parents worry constantly about their kids.  For a lot of parents, their child&#039;s successes become stepping stones for competitiveness with other parents.  

    I mostly worry about how my child will survive socially, being that I was a little socially awkward at certain times during my childhood.  One of my children is exceptionally smart, and that tends to put him in the &quot;nerd&quot; category.  I worry a little bit about that.  I also hope, though, that no matter how they may be treated, that they are kind to others, as that is what I have taught them at home.  I think that parents who interfere too much with that stuff are out-of-bounds, as kids need to learn by experience how to get along with other people.  Parents can encourage and guide them, but I know how things can progress very quickly into ugliness if the parents interfere too much (i.e. my parents contacted the parents of a girl who was picking on me in 6th grade and after that, my social life was completely dead because it got around school and I was so made fun of--thankfully when junior high started I met people from other schools with whom I became friends).  

    As far as comparing my kids with others, yes, we all tend to fall into that trap.  But usually I&#039;m looking at the positive skills or personality traits of my kids, rather than seeing that they may be behind in one thing or another.

  7. Well my son is only 4 and not even in School yet and I worry about him. I worry about how he plays with other kids and how he will do at school and how he socializes with children and adults. I think about everything he does. I don&#039;t know if that will change as he gets older and becomes more independent but I think it is only natural for a parent to worry and want to always take care of their children. I feel like my son is a part of me and when he is hurt it hurts me too. I want him to do well in everything and be accepted by everyone and I never realized how much until I read your question. It just comes naturally.

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