
Questions for people who receive SSI?? Plez read?

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I was told by my therpist to apply for SSI because of severe bipolar disorder, severe depression, severe anxeity and a number of health problems such as daibetes,high blood pressure and cholesterol, Interstitial cystitis, Irritable bowel syndrome am psoc, I am just 19. I went today to sign up and I was wondering if any of you had the same health problems as me and if so how long did it take for you to get approved?? Also my big question is, how much do you get each month from SSI? Any ifo would be great. Thanks so much! My app isnt untill Aug 25.




  1. You would get about half of what you were earning a month while working.It's hard to get SSI.I would suggest you get a lawyer that specializes in getting SSI for disabled people.Good Luck and God keep you.

  2. Wow.  That's a lot to deal with.  I hope you're ok.

    I have a congenital heart defect, and I was told by a number of people to apply for SSI.  I went and applied, and the man there told me that EVERYONE gets denied.  It's the governments horrible way of trying to side-step duty, because most people don't bother to appeal it.  So, I got denied, and I appealed.  I got denied a second time.  I am currently appealing again.  When you are denied, they send you a letter telling you why you were denied, and then you need to send them more information that directly applied to reasons they gave for not granting you SSI.

    It's been a few months since I first applied.  It is a LONG and ANNOYING process, but keep in mind, that if you are accepted, they have to give you back-pay from the date you first applied, so you'll get a lump sum in the beginning.

    As for how much they give you?  It depends on how severe your problems are.  Also, since you're only 19 (so am I), it depends on how much your parents paid into Social Security.  It varies with each person.

    Good Luck.

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