
Questions for poets?

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Do you think poets and artists are viewed and valued differently today than they use to be?

What role do they play in society today?

What role do you think they should play?




  1. poets role today for me are the people who care about poetry.

    unlike artists they are known even by people who don't like what they do.

    a poet should play a bigger role than artists because they inspire with words and do absolutely no harm

    can you answer my question please.;...

  2. they are teachers critiques publishers  

    they should help promote poetry as the art of literarture by getting young and non poetto be poets

  3. In 1963, I quit writing poetry due to peer ridicule.  Only hippies and sissies wrote or read poetry.  The difference now is that if anyone calls me sissy to my face, I will mash their face.  Seriously, poetry is much more widely accepted now than 40 years ago.  A role in society?  No more than any other person on the planet.

  4. I think poets, are viewed differently by different types of people. It's like your personality type is what determines whether or not you are inspired by the words poets write.

    I personally value poets very highly, as well as artists in other fields.

    I think poets deserve a higher role in society, that they currently receive.

    I hope this helps! :D

  5. Artists and poets to me are one and the same.

    They should and (do play today) no role other to entertain and provoke thought into the minds of people.
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