
Questions for the chinese....?

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those who migrated from China (since their forefathers' time):

1) with the media stating that China will be the leading economy, would u like to return to China and live there?

2) how come there are still 300 million Chinese who are still poor in China?

3) to help these people, would u like to invest your money and savings there for the benefit of China's economy?




  1. China, I lived there, they skin dogs  and cats alive for their fur and meat. Keep bears in a cage lying down to extract bile which is supposed to enhance the mens sexuality. Worst people, like robots, no feeling.Worst human and animal rights. Hope Zarkosy boycotts the Olympics and everyone should follow.

  2. I'm moving to Hong Kong.

  3. The only thing China leads is in exports to other countries. This has been the hype of the media. Truth be told, China has a horrible domestic economy. Inflation is out of control, they have poor planning (illogical central bank) and simply do not have the infrastructure to sustain all the people. Even their hierarchical leadership is rusty and loose. Beijing cannot gel efforts to have one fluid system. The Western provinces are completely lost and a drag on the system. Plus, their politicians are very corrupt - they are not very cooperative people - they due anything to make a buck for themselves. The hype has been big because US imports have struck so many deals there but as their Yuan increases in value and our dollar sinks we will go elsewhere, particularly India. India has not become as wide heard as China's rep because it's government has been unkind to outside investment. This is changing. Anyway, education, clean water, streets, incentives, something resembling a community really needs to happen for China to get its act together - it is very weak in these things, and while it's economy is speeding ahead, its other weaknesses will catch up to it and hold it back.

    The recent Tibet protest are a strong indicator of how stupid the Chinese government is. To do this now, with the Summer olympics on the horizon, is a very bad move. It just goes to show they will not know how tohandle their newfound economic rise properly.

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