What group of people did the mongoloid race come form? Not a racist question people! I have tried to research on the Internet but could'nt find much, so here I am in Yahoo. The only fact I have found from researching is that the Mongoloid race evolved in the arctic of northern Russia, so that means that all Chinese, Japanese, Korean etc. ancestors came from the Arctic. I also found out that it is why Mongoloid race evolved small thin eyes to protect themselves from the freezing snow winds. But if that is so, then that must mean that the ancestors of Mongoloid race must have had bigger eyes. Did south Mongoiloid, like the types in S.E Asia, and the pacific Islands came from North Mongoloid? Did Inuit in the N. American Arctic came from the Asian Mongoloid right? And that must mean that Today's Eskimo people in the Russian arctic are the ancestors of Mongoloid and they stayed rather from moving south right?