
Questions for the study of mankind: What did the mongoloid race come from?

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What group of people did the mongoloid race come form? Not a racist question people! I have tried to research on the Internet but could'nt find much, so here I am in Yahoo. The only fact I have found from researching is that the Mongoloid race evolved in the arctic of northern Russia, so that means that all Chinese, Japanese, Korean etc. ancestors came from the Arctic. I also found out that it is why Mongoloid race evolved small thin eyes to protect themselves from the freezing snow winds. But if that is so, then that must mean that the ancestors of Mongoloid race must have had bigger eyes. Did south Mongoiloid, like the types in S.E Asia, and the pacific Islands came from North Mongoloid? Did Inuit in the N. American Arctic came from the Asian Mongoloid right? And that must mean that Today's Eskimo people in the Russian arctic are the ancestors of Mongoloid and they stayed rather from moving south right?





  1. What the other answerers said is true, but how about this scenario...

    Homo erectus fossils have been found near Peking dating to older than a half-million years ago...

    What if modern Mongoloids represent a purer strain of Homo erectus from the Northeastern Asia region, than say, the ones from Europe who went through the phases of Homo heidelbergensis, and Neanderthal, or than the ones who came directly out of Africa within the past 100,000 years?

  2. Ive been wondering this myself,considering the number of blonde kids born in mongolia which however have distinct mongolian features its seem very unlikely that they would soley inherit hair colour from somewhere else and not other features.;...

    I think these children may represent what mongolians orginally looked like pre tang empire.

    Its obvious that mongols look like different than other "Asians".

    - Stronger ephicantic fold (smaller eyes)

    - Lighter skin partially associated with depigmentation.

    - Depigmented hair and eyes. There are autonomous depigmentation (without support of caucasoids) tendency occured during evolutionary period, hence mongolians and other siberian people have lighter eye and hair. In fact almost 60% of mongols have brownish hair.

    - Thicker bodybuild and higher BMI. As we know areas inhabited by Tungid people have far more colder climate than east asia. Therefore during last 50000-60000 year ancestors of mongols and siberian people developed bigger bones, advanced musculature and higher subcutaneous fat - all are cold adaptation features.

    I don't buy a caucasoid influence,even the "tarim mummies" which they devoutly claim to be caucasian,the majority of them were distinctly asian looking, the few they called 'caucasian' had very high cheekbones and looked turkic to me - yet because they had light hair their suddenly caucasian,those few by dna were shown to be west asian. They may have evolved by climate also to produce light hair or mummfied that way,typical eurocentric views.Peoples such as Sauromatians, Yuechjis, and Tocharians are still relatively unknown to make the massive claims made about them.

  3. I believe you are asking about a the Mongols of northeastern China. They are a mix of  Asian and Slovak races.

    I have know idea where you came up with the hypothesis that life started with these people, as the other answerer (olddog) is right about the DNA linkage to the Ethiopian region of Africa as the start of the human race as we know it.

    You do have some very interesting questions that would require a lot of explanation, the easiest thing for me to say is do more research and ask your teacher for help.

  4. We all come from Africa. The mitochondrial DNA of every race and every human from every part of the world can be traced back to a matter of about five "EVE'S" in Africa.

    So the mongoloid people would have originated from Africa as well.

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