
Questions for those who plan to breastfeed?

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What made you want to breastfeed? I want to breastfeed because it's cheaper, helps you loose weight and most importantly, it's really healthy for the baby. Studies show breastfed babies are less sickly babies. However, I find that when I tell people I plan to breastfeed, I get some pretty negative comments-that I really don't appreciate! A nurse friend of mine says "you better hope you don't get mastitis-that's a painful ordeal you don't want to go through!" or other women say "Why do you want your baby to suck on your b*****s-they have formula you know!" and some demeaning ones like-"OMG, your b*****s will sag horribly after you do that!" Why are people so negative and insensitive to breastfeeding? After all, the purpose of your b*****s making milk is to feed your baby. I realize, breastfeeding is not an option for every woman, however, why do people feel the need to put down a woman who decides to do so? Anyone else go through this? What's your response to the rude remarks?




  1. Wow I have never heard people like that - it is crazy.  I do not plan on breastfeeding (in the traditional sense - I would like to exclusively pump).  I usually get the people that tell me that my choice is wrong.  I have never heard people so against breastfeeding.  It is a very big topic for debate.  People should offer advive but keep their negative opinions to themselves.

  2. i dont mean to brag but im a 26 yr. old mommy of 4 kids...right now i breastfeed my last daughter who is already 14 months old...from personal experience breasfeeding is the best thing for both you and your baby...i am supper much that people have a hard time believing i have 4 kids...that is due to the breastfeeding..your baby will be healthier as dont have to worry about washing bottle adequately or formula going bad in ur diaper bag if your out too long. i have encouraged alot of family and friends into breastfeeding just from watching me...its a form of bonding and owe your baby that much..people usually give negative comments cuz they either were not able to breastfeed themselves or simply cuz they are not educated there will be some pain at first and some adjusting..but trust me it will all be worth while.

  3. Those people are ignorant. Don't listen to them, listen to your heart. It sounds like you are making the decision to breastfeed for all the right reason-- Your baby's health!! (and to lose weight lol). I did not think the weight loss part was true, but I did lose all my baby weight plus 30 lbs!! I also wanted to save money and give my baby the best possible nutrition, PLUS the bonding experience is amazing. I really feel sorry for all those people who either cannot breastfeed or chose not to because they are missing out on a really special bond with their baby that they may not be able to get any other way.

    You know, I had my fears about mastitis and the pain and the nipple cracking and soreness, but I have none of those things. If you take proper care of your b*****s-- express milk when engorged, let baby suckle on each breast until "empty" each feeding, don't wash your nipples with soap, etc., you may slide by with no major problems.

    Do research on how to avoid common breastfeeding problems and don't listen to those negative comments. They may just be jealous that they gave up on their child or they just don't know what it feels like to want to give a baby the very best. Who knows, who cares....You are doing the right thing.

  4. I want to tell you firstly that you are making the best decision for you and your baby that you will never regret.I have been and I am still going through those rude comments from people about bf. At first it was just like yours but now it is- are you STILL bf your baby ,she needs to be on cow's milk OR don't you think that it's time to wean she is so big and that is disgusting! The sad thing is that the people that are telling me this were ones who failed at or didn't want to bf and I am sorry for that. That is probably the same case with you. The people want to hurt you because of their failure or disgust and that is their problem not yours.Please avoid all the neg. comments and be persistent. Breast were made to feed your baby and your milk is so valuable to the baby. I donate my extra milk to sick infants  in US and Africa and the organization is not begging for formula they are begging for breast milk because it is that valuable and can help to heal those sick children and that says a lot to me . You don't know it yet but I'm telling you that above all the other reasons for breast feeding ,the bond that you will have with your baby will out way them all. You will be able to look into your baby's eyes of contentment and you won't have to have anyone tell you your a good mom or that you are doing a good thing because you will know it and these comments will have no relevence to you! I wish you the best and I hope you are strong enough  to stand for what you believe in.:)

  5. I want to breastfeed, because it helps you loose weight and is much better for the baby..

    and easier for the mommy..that way you don't get up too much in the night to prepare bottles..

    I'm planning to breastfeed at least for two months, since I'm also planning to go back to work..

    Don't listen to people so negative !

    do what you gotta do !

    you could do both breastfeed in the night time and when you're home and during the day bottle feed and when you go out.

  6. I also plan to breastfeed. Ignore all those people who make rude comments. Its a personal decision. I honestly think it is the best thing you can do for your baby. You produce milk for a feed your baby.  

  7. I too plan on breastfeeding, but dont really feel the need to talk about it with others. If someone asks me i just tell them that it is personal and dont feel comfortable talking about it...then let it die. People do tend to be very opinionated about the issue.

  8. i feel the same way.. but all of my friends are encouraging it. so that makes it easier. tell them baby humans need human milk.. might shut them up.

  9. Some people (especially in the US) are just really weird about breastfeeding, even though it's one of the most natural activities on the planet. I think it's because they tend to sexualize anything and everything that has to do with certain body parts, and b*****s near children just make them uncomfortable. I will either breastfeed my baby or else pump breast milk for her. The primary reason for my choice is that evidence shows that breastmilk is the most nutritious food for babies, largely because of the antibodies that go from mom to baby.  It's really good for the baby's immune system and digestive system. Breastfeeding is good for bonding with your baby also.

    The only reason I'm considering pumping and feeding breastmilk in bottles is that I don't want to be the only person on the planet who can feed this kid! I'd like for my husband or one of the grandmas to be able to feed her too.  

    Sure, breastfeeding isn't an option for everyone and that's fine. Most formulas are very nutritious.

    I think it's obnoxious for someone to criticize a woman for her feeding choice. Do what seems best to you.  

  10. I plan on breast feeding, just because I feel it's the natural thing to do. And yes it helps build the baby's immune system. I haven't gotten rude remarks or comments about it. Just much needed advise. Such as nursing pads are a God sent but you can cut a kotex in half if you run out. The nipple cream is helpful even before nipples become chapped. And make sure to switch sides! Other than that, positive feedback is all I get!

  11. I plan on breast feeding also..... I dont care about the rude comments..... Those ppl arent important your baby is though

  12. i totally know what you mean!

    i bottle fed my daughter, and with this baby, i'm planning to breastfeed. when i had my daughter, i was only 20 years old and was uncomfortable with the idea of breastfeeding. now that i'm a little older, i know that breastfeeding is much better for the baby, and myself!

    i don't understand the reasons for peoples comments though. you're going to get negative comments no matter what you choose to do. back when i had my daughter and had her on the bottle, people used to be rude to me for bottle feeding her. now that i'm having another baby and plan to breastfeed, i'm still getting negative feedback, just like you. i've learned it really dosen't matter what others think, it's my choice!  

  13. Every one is different.  I'm a little nervous about it but I'm going to give it a try, exact reasons you said.

    People should just mind their own business.  This is your choice and it doesn't affect their life in any way.

    The next time someone says something negative about it just say---I'm sorry did I say I was using your b*****s or mine?  Maybe that will shut them up!!~~~~~~

  14. well, i breast fed for 6 weeks.

    i planned to because it seemed natural.

    but my body would not produce enough milk for my daughter, i asked my sister in law (who breast fed her 4 children and is a RN). she told me not to supplement with formula to wait it out. she made me feel i would be giving up on my daughter. at 6 weeks i had to supplement with formula and my little girl was so much happier. i was sad that my pro-breast feeding sister in law gave me mis-information. over timemy daughter didnt want the breast since it was more work so i pumped what i could and added it to her formula (until she was 8mos)

    she is 5 now...happy and healthy

  15. what kind of ignorant people do you talk to? i can't believe ANY one, especially a woman, would make those kinds of comments about breastfeeding. it is one of the most natural, HEALTHY things for a baby. mastitis is a risk whether you breastfeed or not, although the risk goes on for longer if you do breast feed, the benefits of breastfeeding far outweigh the risks of mastitis. and beyond that, women who DON'T breastfeed get saggy b*****s can't tell if someone has saggy b*****s when they are wearing a bra anyway.

    i can't believe some people get to walk around thinking they are smart because they went to college and work in a respectable profession, yet are still completely daft.

    and breastfeeding is very rarely something a woman cannot do and more often something that is just not encouraged enough by health professionals *sadly* or selfishly thrown to the wayside by the mother who wants "perky* b*****s.

    sorry to be so fired up, but breastfeeding is so important and any one who doesn't recognize that or has superficial reasons for not wanting to shouldn't have babies. i mean, do you KNOW what having babies does to your v****a??? i guess thats why c-sections are so popular.

  16. i plan to breastfeed also but i totally understand where you're coming from.  i've had people tell me that it's going to hurt sooo bad and it's not worth to struggle with.  i mean seriously why wouldn't you want to give your child the healthiest thing you could offer.  plus to bond with your child is so beautiful.  i normally just cut them off and say well that's your opinion and i have mine =)  i say go for it girl!!!!

  17. I'd say ignore them, they are just ignorant. Breastmilk is the best thing you can feed to your baby. You don't see a cow giving their baby goat milk, do you? So why give human babies cows' milk. If your breast sag is not due to breastfeeding is just the way nature and gravity work.

  18. I commend you for wanting to breastfeed! I will be as well! If people make comments then ignore them or dish them right back out! For ex: saggy b***s, well god made plastic surgeons and it will just make you an even hotter mamma! Haha good luck! Don't take people comments to heart!

  19. I want to breastfeed for similar reasons to the ones you mentioned above. I also like the bond that you forge with the baby. The flexibility to breast feed myself or pump so that my husband can share in the experience as well was another strong reason for my decision.  

  20. I am so sorry you have gotten such negative feedback. What selfish people they are!

    I plan on breastfeeding and I could give a hoot what other people think of that. I dont judge people who use formula, thats their choice.

    We all have a choice on what we want to do when it comes to feeding our babies, and I think people who make those comments are selfish.

    I dont know what my response would be. Probably something sweet, like, "I am sure formula worked great for you, but for now I am going to try with breastfeeding and see how that goes."


  21. Wow, I have never heard anything but encouragement on breastfeeding, those people you're coming across are crazy. I have been warned that it can hurt a bit at first, but I am willing to endure that for the health of my baby, it is so good for their immune system and development. Also, you can bet I'm going to be getting this baby weight off faster and more easily. I understand some women work or have other reasons why they can't breastfeed, some babies just never take to it, but I am going to be a stay at home mom and will try my best to do what is best for my baby, which in my opinion is breastfeeding.

  22. I really never planned on breastfeeding my baby now 3 months I just knew I wanted to try I did and have kept with it. I love it- so much easier then having to make a bottle it is always warm. Why would you feed your baby somtehing that sinks and is so fake -research formula its not as great as you think not like breast milk. Breastmilk is alive with antiboties and enzymes.

  23. be brave! dont be like me...everyone has been begging me to do it but im a whip. dont let others put down your thoughts! at least do it for a few sure both of you will benefit from it. SAGGING b***s? yeah...eventually we'll all get there sooner or later! LMAO

    ppl are ignorant and obviously dont know that breastfeeding is a wonderful experience! im telling you...if i wasnt such a whip id def. do it!!!

    best of luck to you!

  24. probably because they are to close minded to know and understand how it helps both mom and baby not only develop physically but emotionally as well, i agree and did it with all four of my kids, they rarely get sick, it was cheaper..( especially when the made formula gets your child sick.. very bad for a newborn) . And guess what ! my breast don't sag!! OMG!! what do you think of that, i lost most all of my bay fat within a three month period, breast feeding is a natural tummy As for the rude comments, seems like they might not know enough of anything to really remark, so don't pay them any mind you are doing what a mother is suppose to do, seiously, you think the formulas have the antibodies that a baby needs to survive now-a-days. I am proud to say YES i breastfed my children, and i REALLY DON"T CARE WHAT ANYBODY THINKS ABOUT IT

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