
Questions for you psychics and those who practice divination....?

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I would like information on my love interest, Caio C.

Born sao paulo brazil, november 13th 1984

-His mother's maiden name is Solange Freitas.

Born in 1953

-His brother's name is Felipe.

Born November 23 1986

-His father's name is Roberto.

Born 1953

My name is Xiao D.

Born september 5th 1985 at 8:00 a.m. in Shang Hai

-Mother's maiden name Zhang Xi.

When will we be together?

Is he obtainable for the long term?

If we get married will it end in divource?

Are there any woman in his life that he is attracted to?

Are there any girls who like him right now?

When will we have s*x?

What lies in my future?

Can you provide any proof that your psychic?

post your hotmail address if you want to see a picture of Caio




  1. This is hardly the place to ask this type of question.  I hope you are not expecting to receive honest answers.

    Proof?  Everyone has some abilities it is a matter of learning to properly use them.

    Good Luck

  2. Ask your love interest yourself

    seriously take initiative in your own life and stop waiting around for a miracle that will never come.

    Come on people how do you expect someone you have never met to give you details on someone they have never met?  Why do people believe in such nonsense?

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