
Questions on Becoming a Author.?

by Guest56060  |  earlier

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1 . Where do I send my books to?

# 2. How do I send them?

# 3. Should I type out the Book?

# 4. What kind of book do you like to read?

# 5. Do you know how much you make off a book?





  1. Jason:

    Use the search bar.  All of these questions have been asked and answered countless times on here.  

  2. 3 The book absolutely definately has to be typed.  You will find rules in the Writers Market and similar books in the library, but basically it is double spaced.

      1 Where you send them depends on the kind of book you have written - look at similar books and note the name of the publisher.  Then look up the publisher in a reference like Writers Market or at the publisher's website for Submission Guidelines.  Not all publishers will take stuff directly from authors but will only take from agents, in which case you look at lists of agents.

      Caution: there are two kinds of publishers and agents - one kind shares the risk and rewards of your success by reading your material, providing editting if needed, and markets the book all at no charge.  The other kind charges money for reading, money for editing and money for printing, etc.  While this can be legitimate, there are a lot of bad eggs that string authors along "Just one more edit for $300"  The major exception to this is Vanity publishing.  You can pay to get your book printed and bound and sell it yourself - the honest ones say they are a vanity press, give specific prices (500 copies for 2000 maybe) and rarely distribute.  May offer editing services.  This is one step up from paying a printer, who normally won't do bookbinding.  There are now online services that will keep your files on hand and produce one-off books (or more) as they are orders.

      2 The publisher will tell you what to send - some want the whole manuscript.  Some want an outline and first chapter.

      3 Unless a book is wildly successful, the author does not make a lot, especially beginning authors - most of the cost of the book goes to retailer, distribution, advertising, printing, editing and publishers share.

  3. To decide where to send your book look to a trade book along the lines of .

    To submit your work check my blog post

    What I like to read has nothing to do with the books you write., My likes and dislikes should never influence what you do. Write your own thing and stand by it.

    According to your publishing house, you will make between 7% and 12% of the list price of each book you sell. The number you sell is completely indeterminate.

    Anthony James Barnett - author

  4. 1) First get an agent.  They will help you.

    2) You don't until you have an agent.

    3) Yes, always.  They don't take handwritten manuscripts.

    4) Anything- fantasy, classical, non-fiction, biographies, realistic fiction.  Only thing I can't stand is if it's badly written or teen fiction.  Especially if it's girl meets boy they fall in love and then something goes wrong (GASP) and then they get back together.  Cliche and horrible.

    5) It depends on you AGENT.  If they get you a good publisher with a good advertising company, you could make a lot.  Or you could make nothing.

  5. Get Writer's Market. Most public libraries have it. It will tell who is buying from unknown authors and how to submit. YES you have to type it and you have to use the font and size that the publisher wants or they just throw the book away. An agent helps but most agents don't want unknown authors so it helps if you have published a short story in a magazine or won a writing contest.

    I mostly read science fiction and fantasy books. I had a teacher's guide published by Simon and Schuster.

    Good luck.

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