
Questions on Hallucinogenic Nutmeg? a nutmeg High?

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ok first no wiki S**t

i will call it spam

same goes for spam itself if you dont know the answer dont answer...

1. Nutmeg is a legal Hallucinogen, How Much Seeds/Nuts/Tablespoons of ground Nutmeg, Would a healthy 65kg male take to have visual hallucinations, also how much would you take to over dose on them?(not that i want to)

2. With that amount given how long is the waiting period? for it kick in, How long does it last?

3. Can you smoke Nutmeg and still have the same or better effects?

4. i also read this article

half way down it said "negative effects" what are the negative effects of nutmeg? esp. long term




  1. this website has alot of info not just about nutmeg but probably any substance you are interested in taking.

  2. What has this got to do with being a vegetarian??

  3. Everything that I have read about nutmeg "highs" have included nothing but bad experiences.  Most people say they want to die after they take it.  Symptoms include: extreme paranoia, severe chills, spasms, temporary blindness, etc.

    I wouldn't even recommend trying it.

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