I am a Muslim but not a practising one and this Ramadan i would really love to pray. So i have been looking on the internet how to,but there are so many different versions of prayer on the internet and now i am completely confused!!
Can somebody give me a website or even write how to pray the PROPER way, i want to know every little detail like how your feet have to be (i know there is a certain way for everything)
When you place your right hand over your left to recite Suratul Fatihah, do u place your hand on your chest or just under your belly button?(again with the different version thing i have seen on the internet)
And also the PROPER way to perform wudu, i haven't seen different versions for wudu but i have seen different versions of what people say before and after. << i thought this seemed like a good video, is this the right way??
and i saw this which in some things is slightly different
so can someone please tell what is right and what is wrong
Thanks sooooo much in advance