
Questions on Jockey?

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I have come to a decision a while ago on becoming a Jockey. It's a dangerous sport to do, that's for sure and that I know, but that doesn't make me stop from wanting to do it.

I'm 5'0" and I weigh around the 110 and 115 pounds. Will I be good enough? I'm a girl and in two days I'll be 18 (14th March).

Also, I heard the North American Racing Academy school in Kentucky from Chris McCarron is good. My parents know about this and I still have two years to go in High School so I was thinking on saving money to go and attend the school, if I and my parents can afford it.

Now my questions are, are there any other Jockey schools in the USA? If so, could you give me a link (if there is one)? In what month and date do these Jockey schools usually start and how many hours do you have to work there? (like from am to pm) And do they also take International students? I'm a European girl, I live in Belgium, that's why.

Hope you guys can help me out, thanks in advance!

-x*x- Kari.




  1. There is one other jockey school called the Frank Garza Jockey School.  Here's the link

    It doesn't give much details on their website about when they start or whether or not they take international students.  It does say that it is a 5 day a week program. If you are interested use the contact us link on their website and e-mail them for more information.  I wish I could give you more info and hope this helps.

  2. They have a jockey school in Puerto Rico, but i didnt have the link. I will find it and i let u know!!! My fiancee is a proffesional jockey and he didnt go to any school, i think he just born with the talent, but is always good to have a little bit more of knowledgment...

  3. Kari,

    Check out these other choices:


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