
Questions on energy?

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i just want to know the answers to my questions

Is there such a thing as clean energy?

Where did all the energy go?

How has energy changed the world?

Can we maintain our energy lifestyle?

Where does energy come from?

What is the relationship between energy and power?

How do we manage our energy use wisely?




  1. There's always been energy.  It's just a matter of capturing it.

  2. u have asked so many questions see clean energy is 1 which doesnt produce any harmful by product eg.recently there has been a car which will use hydrogen instead of petrol\diesel etc. and will give water so water doesnt harm environment so hydrgn is clean energy where as petrol gives CO n CO2 WHICH R HARMFUL.

    energy=capacity to do work and power=rate of doin work

    u got it.....ha?

  3. Too many questions but i'll go for one...How energy has it changed the world? Well, assuming you are refering to oil/coal/gas style energy  then... it enables you to sit there and type your question. It enables you to drive your car. It enables you watch TV, make a phone call, use your xbox or whatever, provide illumination when its dark, warm or cool your home and your food, get you to far off destinations.

    WIthout energy, alot of things would not be possible. Personally energy is grossly overrused, as in the use of oil. We have become so dependant on it that its so vulnerable to domestic and internation pressures and the fact that it will run out one day.
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