
Questions on nose piercing...?

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i'm turning 15 at the end of september and plan on getting my nose pierced for my birthday. here are a few questions i have...

how much does it cost (roughly)?

where can i get it done?

how much does it hurt?

this many sound stupid but, is it annoying to sneeze with your nose pierced?

any other information you can give me would be helpful too. thanks in advance for your help!

if you think its tacky/ugly to get done please refrain from telling me because i don't know you and its none of your business.




  1. No it doesn't hurt, take it from me who got it down at 13 and I'm am thirteen, It hurts for a split second then its over with, i got it with a gun at a jewelry shop... which is dumb i know but sportively it hurts Lot less that way then the needle, a tattoo parlers its roughly around 35-50-60 dolour's... go to where ever your going there website and check it out... I'm really happy i got it done, sometimes i forget i have it its not noticeable in your nose at all. Good luck and i bet it will look good!

  2. i have loads of piercings. nose is no where near the most painful one i have. it obviously hurts a little as your having metal shoved through your skin lol.

    in regards to your sneezing question. all piercings feel strange at first but one you get used to them you forget they are even there.

    and nose piercings cost roughly between 15 and 25 pounds. and i don't know where your from to say where to get it done but go to a professional. nose piercings are standard piercings and a lot of hair dresses do it these days

  3. i think around 40 dollars.

    i got mine at the jungle zone if you have one of those.

    only a little sting and your eyes will water since its by your tear ducts.

    not really unless you press your fingers really hard against it.

  4. usually it cost around $35 depending on where you are.

    you can get it done at any tattoo shop that does piercings.

    and it doesnt hurt all to much. it pretty quick.

    never bothered me to sneeze.

    make sure you take care of it tho. dont change it until about 6 weeks or so for the best results. and when you do start changing it stay away from taking it out and putting it back in continuously. that will make it extremely irritated, and theres a good chance you'll ended up infecting it.

  5. the cheapest, about $15

    the most expensive, who knows? it might go up to thousands of dollars if the nose ring has a precious gem in it

    I'm not sure where you should get it done, but the best places would be at a beauty salon (don't go for mall piercings...)

    it feels like an ear piercing on your nose.

    it's sort of annoying, but you get used to it

    clean your nose well

  6. okay well ive had mine done for over a year now.

    i got mine done when i was 14

    it cost me around $45 but its different from city to city & state to state

    you will need you parent or gardian to sign for you, though so you know

    you can get it done at any pircing/tattoo parlor


    it HAS to be done a certain spot or you can paralyze half your face !

    for me, it hurt like h**l ! i mean it made my eyes water

    but it only lasted a minute, then just a tiny tiny level of pain

    id say on a 1 - 10 it hurt at a 2 for a about week

    and no when you sneeze you dont even feel it

    you never feel it really, not when u blow your nose nothing

    cuz the ring is right against the skin, not dangling inside there

    & no boggers & snot do not get caught in it like people ask lol

    but DONT change it till atleast 4 month !

    it can grow fast in just minutes if  you take it out !

    trust me mine almost did once, i had to push it halfway through skin ! OUCH !

    but now i can leave mine out for about 2 days without any of that

    but it takes a long time for it to fully heal like that

    but i think they look really cute & i love mine !

    good luck, & hope i could help =)

  7. my cousin got it done and it was like 15 $ for her

    if you have a pierce this 2 store they will do it

    it doesnt hurt that much you just have to keep your mind on something else

    well ive heard that you dont really know its therewhen you sneeze

  8. I actually did mine myself (don't recommend it unless you know what you're doing). The cost will differ from place to place but look up tattoo/piercing parlors in your area and ask them what they charge. Make sure that who ever is doing the piercing is really experienced and that they use sterile clean needles. As far as pain, it's different for everyone. When I did mine, I held a chunk of ice on my nose for like 10 min before to numb it up and for a while afterward to dull the pain. I only wear studs, so I never have a problem sneezing or blowing my nose, although it may be different if you wear hoops or chains.

    Some advice- make sure you keep it really clean while its healing because having an infection there is a serious pain in the @ss! And when you're pulling on and taking off your shirt, be careful! I've gotten my shirts snagged on the darn thing and it hurts like h**l!

  9. hey im 15 almost 16 had my noes done since i was 13, umm it doesnt hurt makes yer eyes water but doesnt hurt, umm bout 80$ depending on where u get it done, any tatoo place or body pieercing studio will do it, and no it isnt annoying to sneeze, lol.. its my fav piercing.... but i cant wait to get my belly button done!!

  10. probably 60-80 depending on where you live and where you are going. you can get it done at any local tattoo or piercing shop. it wont hurt it will just feel like a pinch and your eye will tear up when it happens. i doubt that it is annoying when you sneeze you wont even know it is there! good luck

  11. any place that does piercings

    not sure how much in dollars?

    it hurts

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