
Questions on tanning?!?!?!?

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My friend has white pale skin and she wants to get really really tan! She's over my house and she wants to tan in my backyard cuz its really sunny out and she has a couple of questions.

1. How long should she lay on her stomach and then turn on her back to have an even tan?

2.Should she put on sunscreen lotion?

3. Should she put on tanning oil?

4. How long in all will it take to get really tan for her?




  1. tanning one time isnt really gonna do anything especially if she has light skin. she will probably just be red. best bet if you want to get a fast tan go get a spray on tan at like a mystic tan booth they are cheap and is alot faster and less damaging than laying out in the sun. but if she really wants to go out and tan maybe like 15 min on each side 2.yes 3. yes.

  2. It depends really. If she has really pale skin & naturally light hair, then those skin types tend to be sensitive and generally burn. If she has darker hair, she should be able to tan more easily. I have dark hair and can lay out in the sun (w/o tanning oil) and get about 2 shades darker in 15 minutes, but it all depends on the person. She should wear sunscreen on her face, and slather oil on her skin. She should probably flip over after 20 minutes or so, but it's up to her, maybe she wants to get darker on that side before she flips... hope I've helped!

  3. she should be careful about her sun exposure, the sun rays could ruin her fair complexion by giving her sunburn, cancer, and give her wrinkles. yes, she should definitely use sunblock. what i would recommend for her is to use jergins natural glow mosterizer. it will give her a beautiful tan in a week just by mosterizing daily, without ever stepping into the sun. the mosterizer is only a few dollars in drugstores such as CVS

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