
Questions on the functioning of a Ouija board.?

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If it is spirits moving the indicator why do people have to touch it? If spirits can move books and slam doors, rattle chains, knock dishes off shelves, etc. why can't they move the relatively light indicator piece by themselves?

Does Mattel or Parker Brothers or whomever perform spells on these boards during the manufacturing process? If not, why don't the spirits ever try to contact me through other board games, i.e. Monopoly, Connect Four, or Hungry Hungry Hippos?




  1. If a spirit is moving the indicator, you don't have to touch it. Don't mess around with it though. Wouldn't you be more convinced by something apparently moving itself?

    Most people just want to get controllably scared and move it themselves. As fake as the "seances" in TV haunted house vigil programs.

    I can't believe you have never been contacted by the other side via Hungry Hungry favourite divination method!

  2. spirits will only contact through someone who is relaxed and receptive. Monopoly, connect four etc involve too much brain activity (excitement!!) for a spirit to come through. It's not necessarily the board but the frame of mind the board puts the 'player' in. Expectations etc. The human brain is the receptor not the board itself so, if youre not in the right frame of mind then nothing will work.

  3. They are of course harmless games.I don't try to convince anyone otherwise anymore.They're just too much dang fun.

  4. You are asking... inconvenient... questions.  That kind of thing gets you false violation reports around here, you know.

    Of course, the answer to your question is that it is all ideomotor effect, and if you blindfold the participants, all you get is gibberish (this experiment has been done and reported on in the paranormal literature). And I suppose if you did use Hungry Hungry Hippos to try to communicate with demons and spirits, and you reported all sorts of spooky stuff happening afterwards, you'd have an avalanche of mystics hyperventilating about that as well. d**n those hippos!

  5. You have a very valid point.  I'm assuming the spirits move the indicator by using the human as a vessel or form of contact.

    When they go around breaking things, it is all quite random and uncontrolled, whereas when they are using a human, they are more controlled and focused on what they are doing.

    i've heard many spirits behave in a destructive manner due to being frustrated perhaps.

    Nobody really knows for sure, but I know I won't look at monopoly the same way again.

  6. Excellent question. I've heard there is a stop along the manufactory line where the incantation is added--this, of course, increases costs....:)

  7. This is a very good point.

    Ostensibly, people are required to touch the indicator (planchette) so the spirit can use their energy to operate it.  The fact of the matter is Ouija boards only operate thanks to the ideomotor effect.  This means the people are moving the planchette themselves.

  8. they manipulate a persons energy with their own, and as for them knocking things off books, chains and doors that is for the more powerful ghost to do, and even then most of the time they use other things energies to help them, and not all ouija boards are the best, metal ones arent the best, but you could even get pieces of glass write letters on them and arrange them in a certain way and it will work, though dont quote me too much, im going on what ive researched and a little bit of my own suggestions

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