
Questions or parents with children on the drug risperdal?

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My sons neurologist just precribed this for my son. He has tramatic brain injury and his temper and aggressiveness is getting worse each day. (he is not aggressive to others just himself like slapping his chest and hitting his head on things when he is told to do the simplest things like turn off the tv or it is time for bed) I am willing to try it because it scares me to think that this behavior will continue as he gets older and he will really hurt himself but would like to know the experiences of other parents. Thanks.




  1. My son has been Risperdal for aggressive behavior since age 10 but he would barely sleep at night.   Before age 10, he would sleep an average of 4 hours a night (no exaggeration) and that was going on for years.    Believe me he NEEDED that sleepy side effect.   He didn't sleep normally until he took this drug along with another one called Clonidine (that helps with keeping him calm and not so angry and it also has a sleepy side effect).

    He has been sleeping pretty normal since he's been taking it.   He stills feels aggressive at times but he has much better self control.    We haven't had any problems with it.   My son knows how he feels without it and feels like a different person who struggles to control his aggressive urges and he prefers to feel in control of himself.  I have no problems with him accepting his meds.

    BTW,  my son is 15 now and his issues with aggression were toward others and sometimes toward himself.   I remember he would bang his head a lot against a wall or door when he was throwing a fit.     He knows that violence at his age would land him behind bars.    He needs meds to get better control of himself and it works very well for him....He's come a very long way.

    ETA:    I understand where Alyssa O is coming from.   If your child has normal sleeping habits then this drug could leave him feeling sleepy all the time.     From people I spoke to, it works best with people who sleep very little at night.    But it would be understandable how it would make an otherwise normal sleeper feeling constantly sleepy and that could be a big problem.

    ETA:    to Alyssa O.    

    When a person visits a doctor for any reason (injury, illness),  one of the first routine questions that come up is "Are you on any medications?".     Because he is under 18 then I am the one answering those questions in his behalf.    I'm with him.      Nobody (not the nurse or the doctor that saw him)  ever discouraged the use of those meds.    Usually the only question that would be asked  (if any at all) in regard to this topic would be the dosage amount.     Most of the time, they don't even ask about dosage.     When it comes to a sudden injury or illness then I visit whichever doctor is available so many have known about the Clonidine and Risperdal.   Doctors notice it on paper but never had any concerns about it besides asking about dosage amount.

    And yes,  I'm aware that Clonidine in higher dosages is prescribed as a heart medication that is suppose to lower blood pressure.    His blood pressure has always been normal.    The doctor has it checked regularly and still is just fine.    You also mentioned running.     He was in football and routinely worked out for 2-3 hours straight.   He often has to run a  mile or 2 at football practice.   The team runs in a group and he keeps up with the other boys on the team.    He's into puberty now and for boys that means a big increase in strength.    


    My email has been enabled so you can email me with any questions you have.

  2. hi  i have been on that drug and when i was on it it made me tried and sleepy my grades went down the drain i would not play with other kids and i was like a walking ghost i would not put any one on that pill i was on it for 6 years until i hit age 13  becuz i was told i was bipoler and my mother thought it was a good idea but i would not give it to any child at all

    for lifeisgrand Clonidine is an adult heart med i have been on that and no child should be takeing that  when i told my docter i was on that he would have rolled over and dyed that will really mess up your child he will not be able to run for a long time ask any docter or child docter and i bet you they will talk him off of it

  3. I was personally on that drug for a bit.  It made me SO sleepy, I couldn't even function.  I couldn't stay awake and slept all day, every day.... I was in my early 20's when I took it, I stopped taking it just because it made me too tired.  Maybe my dose was too high.  That's my experience with it.

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