Ok, heres the situation. I adopted my son at birth. From the moment he breathed his first breath. I even cut the cord. The birthmom wanted NOTHING to do with him, even when she was in the hospital.
A little background info on the birth mom: She has a drug habit, (and has for years). She currently has had 6 children from 6 different men. She wanted to abort my son, but was too far along for a abortion here in california.
That said, Here is my situation. My youngest sister is in contact with her about once a month. The birth mom occasionally asks how I am doing, but NEVER asks how my son is doing.
This really bothers me. Am I petty for being offended that she never asks about my son?
When my son is old enough to understand adoption, what do I tell him? Wouldnt it damage him more to know the horrible conditions he was concieved in? Im really torn. We dont keep it a secret that he is adopted, but... I dont want him to hurt from the truth either.
Any suggestion