
Questions to get k-4, k-5 thinking about growing beans in cup?

by  |  earlier

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I am helping out at center for the summer, but it's just like SCHOOL. I have to do lesson plans and everything. We did a science activity. We grew beans in little cups. Some did not grow. I am not supposed to TELL them anything. I am supposed to ask them questions to get them thinking, first. What questions do I ask? They have to be able to give more than one answer. THANKs




  1. -What did the beans need in order to grow?

    -Why did some beans grow?

    -Why do you think the other beans didn't grow? What was missing or lacking?

    -What will happen if we don't water the beans?

    -What will happen if there was no sun light on the beans?

    -How does the plant/beans absorb the water?

    -What are the different (basic) parts of this plant?

    -Why is sunlight and water important for plants?

    -How will you care for plants?

  2. what made the beans grow apart from water we gave them?

    why do you think the beans grew?

    what will happen wen the beans get big?

    what sucked up all the water? etc etc

    we grew beans too at our pre school and our children were 2 years 9 months to 5 years they asked us the questions mainly.

    you could ask your children to look up about beans and photsynthesis and how it works (key stage 4 and 5 i take it you mean), you could talk about how the sun makes them grow and  why some didnt grow such as poor light and lack of water or maybe too much water, research the bean growin and find out everythin about it then when you have knowledge about these beans and how they do and do not grow then you will know what to ask the children.

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