
Questions to liberals.. We go into outer space - do we bring weaponry to defend ourselves?

by Guest55962  |  earlier

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Another one, As a liberal you want to know whats on the other side of the door in front of you.. Its you and the door... You can live your whole life, just fine and not open that door.. Or you can open it and explore.. There is a ray gun that you can bring... I want to know, truthfully, DO YOU BRING THE GUN or LEAVE IT BEHIND?




  1. Last I checked terrorists don't go into outer space.  When they do, then we can debate what weapons we bring with us.

  2. i didnt know boogey men in outer space were a problem

  3. LMAO!  LIberal are for gun control...LOL

  4. huh ? a door in outer space ?  ;)

    sorry no doors in space.

    Liberals love outer space - remember JFK ?

    "we should go to the moon.."

    that's some good Liberal sh*t there !

    Guns on space ships ??  I think NOT ! Only A Republican would think of something so very-very stupid as to bring any kind of gun onto a space ship !!

    NASA has never even thought to do something so dumb.

    Good God Man Get a Clue - NO GUNS on SPACE SHIPS

    (hows that for truth ?)


    No , It's the metaphor that's so VERY stupid  !  :)

    better luck next time  !!  :)


    just for you - here is a real answer.

    "I don't Need a gun to defend myself"

    only p*ssy's take trips with guns because they are scared !


    ahhh.. whats the matter ? going on a trip and you can't find your gun ?


    in your new "metaphor" your the "bug" right ?

    that one sorta works for me.

    but don't play the innocent lamb ( asking for "truth" like it's necessary just because your talking to Liberals is rude and insulting, you don't have to remind us to be "truthful" when asking a question ! )

  5. The liberal answer is to not ever go into space. Most liberals feel that exploring space costs to much and thus takes away from what they can spend on entitlements.

  6. question for all conservatives, do we bring a weapon into our neighbors home?  like Iraq...Iran...Afghanistan, do you open the door?  or will you need your neighbors permission?  will you lie to get that permission?

  7. Protect ourselves from what exactly in outer space????....would think dumping the weapons for some extra food, water, and oxygen would make more sense.

  8. We already have a large assortment of weapons in outer space created during the cold war and probably since then.  Only a fraction of information is known about the various space military programs, but both Eisenhower and Kennedy, as well as others have warned about the insanity of exploring this behavior.

    There is no way to know the many possible effects of  introducing new materials into space, be they human germs or guns.  The big problem is that we can not get answers to these questions until someone slips, and then it may be too late to contain what we started, like bringing smallpox to the supposed "new world."

    So, if you think it's worth mass annihilation to maintain military superiority on a universal scale, (when you don't even know what's out there) bring your gun.  Maybe there will be snakes in space and you can shoot your rocks off.

  9. Shouldn't YOUR question be


  10. gun or no gun. the aliens have been watching us for thousands of years. if we needed a gun to defend ourselves from them don't you think we would have been dead along time ago?

  11. Weaponry to shoot at what? There's no reason to suggest that there's anything alive in outer space, much less anything with weapons, so what's the point?

    Edit: I thought it was pretty clear from my answer that I thought we should not bring weaponry to space - there's no one to defend ourselves from, so what's the point?

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