
Question?what will it take for respect for the police?

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to be reinstated from yesteryear?




  1. ,its a more violent society,drugs,and everything else,even the ambulance and fire services have come under attack,i dont condone that,there doesnt seem to be any real detterents,when people lose faith in things,it is hard to find again,the police have created and instilled this fear,in order to combat it,the same with the drugs,and the decline in industry etc,so its them who is gonna have to go back,and think again,because its obviously not working,anyone can see its getting worse,i have no dealings with the police any more,as i have moved on from that chapter in my life,theres good and bad in everyone,including them.respect is earned,they are gonna have to build up relationships back in the communitys,where all respect has been lost.

  2. in the past they respected police???

  3. They could use a general ongoing PR campaign of radio and TV commercials. Maybe more news reporting of crimes solved. A focus on serious crime rather than basic things like minor traffic violations or running after cyclists for going through red lights (while safe).

  4. Not to stop people because they are going at 33  MPH, or have dropped a sweet wrapper - and to go and catch the real criminals instead !! An oft-stated truth that many endorse !!

  5. I don't think people respected the police that much in the past, unless it was because the police respected people more.  

    There are too many cops who are too worried about working their side jobs and making money whatever way they can, who don't really care about doing their jobs.  They just want the peace officer certification so they can make big bucks on the side, get free food, discounted rent, etc... Those lazy cops give hardworking, honest cops with real ideals a bad reputation.

    I worked in a gas station 10 years ago.  We always fed the cops.  There were 6 cops in the store and we heard a call on their radio that the store up the street (on the next corner) was being robbed.  They all stood around and finished their sandwiches and finished scratching off their lottery tickets before they got in their cars and headed up to the other store.  It's hard to respect that.

  6. It will take the return of a justice system that is just, blind, and sensible.  It will take the police themselves cleaning up their image by not abusing their positions of power.  It will take the elimination of idiotic laws.  It will take an overall respect for government as a whole, of whom the police are its agents.

    Our current government doesn't deserve very much respect in most any realm.. and they prove this again and again daily.

    It will take a libertarian revolution to clean up this mess.

    Bob Barr / Wayne Root '08

  7. they will get respect when they stop being a corrupt organisation- and when they learn the difference between victim and aggressor- and when they respond to the publics' needs-

    I am not suprised that there is a growing dislike of the police and more taking of matters into own hands- at least that way you know someone has got what they deserved-

    Still waiting for them to return my daughter's hair straighteners stolen via ebay- they know who has them and have advised him to return them- but with no consequences- why would he return them if he knows nothing is going to happen? He stole many pairs, the only ones returned were to a man who threatened to do him over if he didn't give them back...... when I suggested to the police that I should do the same I was told if I did I would be arrested!!!! They are a bunch of incompetent and worthless ononists

  8. Respect is a two way street and I never met a copper who respected anybody .

  9. When cops quit think that they know or civil rights better than we do.

  10. well if any arrests were turned into sentences, people might actually fear getting arrested.

    but then again, a slightly less overenthusiastic attitude from them might help too

  11. In the distant past was it respect or fear?

  12. In this day and age,we need to start with our children.Mainly our children have lost respect for teachers,parents and elders.So officers your not alone!!

  13. Police officers have my respect in general. The ones that do not are the ones that walk or drive around with their chest puffed out, sirens going just to get through traffic, and seem cocky.Just tone it down and act like everyone else. Sometimes I think some try to be intimidating.

  14. Police were respected in the past. But then it was in 1940's Britain, there was a village bobby, he knew everyone and was known in return. He would help, and give a young t**d a clip round the ear if required.

    Nowadays a very high percentage of UK police (around 85-90%) are bent, corrupt, take bribes and are involved with criminal scams.

    Respect has to be earned. In that sense the police are their own worst enemy

  15. Momma, you almost have it right.  We need to start with the parents that raise these children.  I've worked in the Prison System for almost 16 years.  I have had inmates that were 13 years old in for Murder and Violent Crimes.  If you ever heard the way they talk to us, their parents on the phone, the counselors, and their visitors, you may be shocked.  That is not something that children are born with, it is learned in your major sociological institutions such as HOME, SCHOOL, etc.  We need to keep an eye on our kids, make sure they are associating with people that are positive influences, and know where they are and what they're doing.

    I also don't believe that 13 year olds should ever share a prison with adults, regardless of the crime committed, but hey, I just work here.

  16. Respect is a two way thing and perhaps when many Police Officers stop behaving in such an arrogant manner they may earn more of our respect. Not all are like this, but an awful lot are.

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