
Quetip my hamster for one month plus Spazzii the gerbil?

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Quetip has gotten along with gerbils before but they died of fright and dehydration.... (the store owner said it may have been wet tail... they were brothers)no clue... but none the less... i got Spazzii and now all she can do is i guess hiss at it... she has never done that before... (Spazzii is a girl) but to make things weirder Quetip spit all her food out in the small cage i put them in while i clean out the cage... is that normal...? and will they get along adventually?




  1. Firstly hamsters cannot get along with gerbils. They are pretty solitary until they have been introduced to other rodents at the same young age in which case they can get along though it is very rare.

    When a hamster is left alone for even a week in her cage, she becomes solitary and territorial. Hamsters can get along with other cage mates if they have been introduced young, but in this case Quetip is the older hamster and is definitely gotten used to being solitary and is not liking her new cage mate.

    Her behavior are all signs of domination over the new entrant and are very dangerous signs.

    I would advise you to separate them instantly since hamsters can be very vicious in their attacks on cagemates they cannot get along with and you do not want to see a dead gerbil one day.

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