
Quick Dreamweaver Help??

by  |  earlier

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I've been having a little problem for a while, but it's gotten so bad that i can't work anymore.

My problem is this....

I have the coding window open showing all the html and code, and below i have the preview window open.

I could always see what i did, but for a while i couldn't. I found out that all I had to do was right click the <body> tag, and click edit. then, I could see everything again.

But now, the images just appear for a couple of seconds, then dissapear again, like they're behind a white layer or something.

Anybody ever had this happen, or know how to possibly fix this??

I usually do most stuff in code view, but i'm trying to make hotspots on an image, and NEED to see it in the preview window, but it won't appear.

Please Help me....cheers!




  1. Hmm, this sounds like something I had happen a while back.  It was because the layout is in a &quot;tableless&quot; aka CSS Fluid design.  For whatever reason the DreamWeaver editor was choking on it royally.  I would suggest pulling the image into a new window / document get the map like normal and then just copy and paste the code in.  The map will still work correctly, don&#039;t worry about that.

    Take care,


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