
Quick MGS4 help!!!!?

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How do I kill Vamp?




  1. I'll give you a hint, pay attention to what he says:

    "So long as these nanomachines flow through my vains, you can not keep me down."

    And remember what that syringe does? Disables nanomachines.

    So what you do is equip the syringe as an item, knock Vamp's health down, and as soon as he's getting up, put away your weapon (by tapping R1) and use CQC to grab him and syringe him. I think you just get behing him and press R1, but you can check in game to make sure.

  2. 1.keep shooting at him with and machine gun

    2. when he falls to the ground equip you syringe  cqc him and press triangle to inject him

    this should do it

  3. shoot him preferably with a machine gun or sub machine gun until his life gauge runs out, an he falls to the floor, then quickly run up to him with the syringe equipped, use your cqc to put him in a choke hold, and press triangle to inject him with nanomachines and make him mortal, dont forget to give me best answer

  4. 1. Shoot him with any weapons that can make him lie down the floor

    2. Have your Syringe (on Items) ready, then "CQC:Grab" on the guy

    3. While holding R1, press Triangle to put Syringe on Vamp.

    I had that problem too when i 1st played it

  5. 1. Shoot him with the fastest firing weapon you have

    2. When his health drops to zero, run up to him and wait for him to get up

    3. Have the syringe equipped, then grab him (R1) and press triangle
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