
Quick! Need help on evolution!?

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Why is competition, or a limited environment, essential to evolution by natural selection? Would a gene evolve if there were no competition or limitation? Why or why not?




  1. Competition is necessary for natural selection. Natural selection 'selects' the best in the competition, or more precisely the ones who can survive better. Those who can't, will die and reduce in numbers and the strongest will be dominant. If there was no competition, still the animal will evolve (note: a gene does not evolve) because of random mutations during DNA replication. But, competition cannot be eliminated, and this is what selects the best of the mutated. Without competition, all the mutated species will survive as the new factors will be neither boon nor bane to them.

  2. The reason for why is competition, or a limited environment, essential to evolution by natural selection:

    1. Competition leads to "survival of the fittest" and that paves the way to "Natural selection"..

    2. It may be a mutation, or even a genetic drift that contribute to  a change in the genetic make up of a person, that leads to speciation, and even evolution.

    Would a gene evolve if there were no competition or limitation?

    Yes, a gene can.


    'Competition' and 'limitation' are NOT the ONLY factors causing a gene to evolve..

    1. Need of the individual

    2. Geographic barriers, that is, in different conditions and adaptations

    3. Mutations

    4. Genetic drift

    these are some of the factors other than 'Competition' and 'limitation',

    that may lead to a gene to evolve!

    hope that helps..

  3. If there were no competition or limitation, then any new mutation wouldn't be beneficial nor detrimental to the animal since it would have an equal chance with or with out the mutation.

    If a mutation is beneficial, then the chances of that animal surviving to breeding age increases, that in turn increases the chances of that mutation being passed on.

    In a case where there is no competition, that mutation doesn't have any better chance of being passed on then the normal gene, so natural selection no longer applies.

  4. I think evolution needs a lot of help... would a gene evolve, think about what your asking!

    Real mutations involve a loss or duplication of existing information in the dna code. new design information does'nt really just form accidentally. Sorry!

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