
Quick Poll: which do you prefer a dog or cat as a pet or other?

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Quick Poll: which do you prefer a dog or cat as a pet or other?




  1. cats

  2. equally the same

  3. Dog, with no qeustions asked.

  4. DOG

    dogs are more loyal n would defend you and love you to the end.a dog would even give its life for you.

    a cat has the "i am god personality" and doesn't really care. in my opinion.

  5. i have 2 cats and a dog, my cats are quiet and adoring and my dog is the same, i love them all

  6. Dog's Nature: Oh Lord keep my master as wealth so he can give me more breads in breakfast

    Cat's Nature: Oh Lord make my master blind so I can drink all the milk.

    So as per my concern I will go for dog. Want be more wealthy

  7. I prefer my german shorthair (dog) and my guinea pigs

  8. No dog or cat.Better to have either rabbit or a parrot for a change.

  9. DOG

  10. Cat

  11. i would say dog because dogs are men's  best friends

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