
Quick Ways For a 10 year old to earn money?

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I Need Money! There is some new stuff at the store i must have but one of them is 50 bucks! another is 10 but how in the world can i earn the money. Because i have to be able to buy it i can't do that thing with my mom that i will pay her back i just have to have the money so where/how can i get some




  1. You could have a garage sale and set up a lemonade stand. It isn't to hard to do a garage sale if your parents help with the money and set up.

    Good luck!

  2. start a dog walking business and earn some extra money from your neighbors. also ask your parents if you can do extra chores and earn some money.

  3. sell toys u don't like or games u don't play anymore

  4. ♥Well you could volunteer to mow your neighbor's lawns or maybe help your mom do some chores that she would pay you for♥

  5. mow yards, rake yards, clean houses (supervised by a responsible adult for your protection and theirs), go door to door and offer to scoop the dog poo out of the back yard (you'll need a scooper for that), use your imagination.  you're gonna have to sweat a little to get a little.

  6. Ignore the 2 answers above mine..they are spam and all you are likely to get from them is trouble.

    How about doing chores at home?  When I was young me and my mum put together a list of jobs and what they were worth.  Each week I did as many or as few as I wanted, but each time I did a job my mum ticked the list and I got that much money added to my pocket money.  Its surprising how much you can earn when you really want to.

    Also turn out any unwanted toys and clothes and ask you mum to put them on e bay and to help you with everything that involves (you are too young to have an account, so you would have to have adult help on that anyway).

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