
Quick! Wisdom teeth just pulled out!?

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I just pulled out all 4 of my wisdom teeth this morning. It is not too bad so far but some swelling... IAfter maybe 4.5 hours, i took out the gauze coz i can't stand it!!!! and beside i dun bleed a lot. Will that cause dry socket or infection?i also have trouble when i eat. I eat jook- rice porridge- that my mom cooked for me. But i feel and see some rice are stuck on the place they cut through my gum to get my wisdom teeth, and i tried to use my tongue to get rid of it, i know i shouldn't but i am afraid leaving the food there will irritate and maybe cause infection! What should i do? I am Chinese so my mom makes me eat jook nothing else... Also, my OS gave me 2 medicines in liquid form, one is pain killers (ace something) and the other is antibiotics, i am wondering if i should take both of them at the same time. THX so much!




  1. I had my 4 wisdom teeth pulled out the bleeding wont cause have to eat soft things like soup, jelly, ice cream for about 3 days cause you cant open ur mouth all the way...once ur able to you can then eat solid food

    ugh...dig the rice out it will bleed but just spit it out and just take the pain killers and put ice on you cheeks it make the swollen go down it took me 5-7

  2. Refrain from drinking through a straw or doing any kind of sucking.  That will cause dry socket.  Rice?  I would steer clear from due to the chance of it getting down into the extraction site.  As the previous poster stated, jello, broth based soups, mashed potatoes are your best bet.  After you eat, put water in your mouth and move it around (don't vigorously swish) and open your mouth and let the water fall out.  

    You will know if you have a dry socket.  It hurts like the dickens!  You can take antibiotics and pain meds at the same time BUT take them as they are prescribed.

    Hope that helps.

  3. i had all of mine taken out this summer too!  now, im not a sugeon r specialist or anything, but i was told that you get dry sockets by sucking on things.  like sucking on a straw, or on popsicles.  i dont know WHY that makes dry sockets, but apparently it just does.

    and to keep from getting to site infected, you could lighty swish some listerine or other mouthwash in your mouth.  just make sure to do it gently, b.c you could dislodge the bloodclots, which would cause more bleeding.

    i understand that your mom only makes jook for dinner [my dad only eats african food], but ask if you could have some soup.  that was about all i had to eat for 2 days.  its much easier on the mouth, b.c you dont have to chew, and she doesnt even have to make it!  she could buy some of those "soup at hands".  theyre these cups of cambell's soups that come in a whole bunch of different flavors.

    good luck with the healing process!  :D

  4. Don't eat anything that can get stuck inside the holes!!! That can cause an infection and it will be nasty. I would put in the gauze and just deal with it. I ate only jello and drank milk shakes for days because I was worried about infection. Try to wash out your mouth by swishing water around inside to dislodge any food particles and get them out so they don't cause a problem. I would take the painkillers at a different time than the antibiotics. Read the directions to make sure when it's ok to take the antibiotics because sometimes they can be counteracted by eating certain foods. Call the doctor to ask - it's ok to call them and have questions answered. Good luck!

  5. you are like my twin right now! I got all 4 wisdom teeth pulled out this morning (plus one other tooth) for a total of 5 extractions. I can't stand the gauze either, but I still have it in, and I'm basically done bleeding so I think I'm going to take it out soon. Oh yeah - I'm Chinese too, so I'm also eating rice porridge and oatmeal. To make sure nothing is getting near the wounds, I'm just drink A LOT of iced tea, which I love anyways, so it works out. By drinking a lot of liquids, I don't think the food has a big chance of staying there. And you were prescribed antibiotics right? Make sure you take those with your painkillers! (yayyy vicotin :D) Don't use your tongue.. trust me I was really nervous about this yesterday so I did my research :]  

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