
Quick answers please - at what temp in a 9 month old do i need to call someone?

by  |  earlier

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my little guy has a fever of 101 - i'm leaving work in 8 mins to get him from daycare.

he's 9 months old, and he's been fussy all day she said (he never is like that during the day)

what temp is bad???

sorry if i sound like an idiot i'm a little worked up.




  1. take him to the dr. he could have an ear infection

  2. 101 is pretty high I would go to the dr

    good luck

  3. thats a low fever. anything over 103 is what my doc says. under 6 months is over 102. and any fever under 3months. probably just fighting off a bug. you could give the doc a call

  4. I have always heard not to call until 102*, but better safe than sorry.  Try and bring his temperature down yourself, and if not succesful, just call the doctor.  They may even be able to give you some at home tips to help before bringing him in.

  5. My doctor said call for anything over 100.4 degrees, so I would call and talk to your doctor, it isnt super horrible but rather be safe then sorry!  

  6. usually its over 103 to call the doctor. but if you are uncertain, then its best to call the doctor.  

  7. The daycare will call you if the temperature reaches 102, then you have to pick him up.  101 is okay, just let the daycare know to keep an eye on it in case it rises.  Good luck to your little man.

  8. He might be teething or an ear infection.  However, anything over 101, I would call the doctor to be sure.

  9. sounds like teething.. usually if you can not get the fever to break then you call someone or if it gets to like 103 +

  10. Don't worry. I would go home give him some meds and see if it goes down. I would give him two doses at least before freaking out. He could just be teething. You can even put a cold cloth on his head and lay down with him get him to rest up a little. I was told not to call unless its 102  

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