
Quick before it start"s? it"s for girls and boys.

by  |  earlier

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A man came home from work, sat down in his favorite chair,

turned on the TV, and said to his wife, "Quick, bring me a

beer before it starts."

His wife looked a little puzzled, but brought him a beer.

When he finished it, he said, "Quick, bring me another beer.

It's gonna start."

This time she looked a little angry, but brought him a beer.

When it was gone, he said, "Quick, another beer before it


"That's it!" She blows her top, "You b

*stard! You waltz in

here, flop your fat *ss down, don't even say hello to me

and then expect me to run around like your slave. Don't you

realize that I cook and clean and wash and iron all day


The husband sighed. "Oh sh*t, it's started."




  1. ha

  2. HAHAHA!

    sounds like me & my boyfriend.

    LOLOLOL good 1 xx

  3. yep its started alright!!

  4. LOL :)

  5. ROFLMAO! That's good! *star for you*

  6. very funny.

  7. he he he lol, i'm a female and i thought thought that was brilliant

  8. LoL! My friend told me that one! On a scale from 1-10 I give it an 8.5

    Answer mine;...


    that as really good!!! star!

  10. Funny

  11. lolz! thumbs up for that one!

    peas out!

  12. haha (:

  13. haha. that was funny.  

  14. haha, ha.

    = )

  15. Ha!

  16. at it again no8 causing trouble= lol.*

  17. lol- like it!!!

  18. best joke on here today 10/10

  19. Similar to the one when a man rushes into a bar and asks for a double whiskey "before it starts". The barman gives it to him and the man knocks it back. The barman asks when is it going to start. The man answers, "now, I haven't got the money to pay for the drink.

  20. I guess thats funny...

  21. LMAO very funny!..

  22. haha this is so funny. seriously. :p

  23. where do i begin,as it started yet!!

  24. oh......

    that was a good one!

  25. Lol!

  26. im a femmie but even i found that funny

  27. lol! really funny :)

  28. Old one but good one !(*)

  29. <<<sweeps tumbleweed out of room

  30. kjhgfdc

  31. oh so ruddy true.MEN!

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