
Quick concern about unprotected s*x, and my girlfriend on the pill. Please help. Thank you!?

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Before I begin realize that this is a serious question, and I am 24 years of age.

For the past year, my girlfriend (of 3 years)and I have had sexual intercourse. Within the past 6 months we have always had unprotected s*x. She has been on the pill and takes it RELIGIOUSLY, and when she nears the end of her pills she obviously gets her period. As of today she was supposed to have her period, and she didn't get one. I know it is possible to get someone pregnant , obviously, when you take on the fact of unprotected s*x. But I just want to know what my chances are of her being pregnant. Obviously, we all aren't doctors here, but I just need to put my mind on ease. I wouldn't mind if she had a child, but I would rather have a planned pregnancy then one out of the blue. Either way, no matter what the answer is, I will always be supportive.

Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this and be serious about it!




  1. Well I would like to put your mind at ease, but I have a few friends with "pill" babies.   On the other hand, your body does what it wants sometimes and it IS possible that her cycle was thrown off one way or another (happened to me just 2 months ago, period was 4 days late).  Your chances?  50-50, really.  I'm not being funny or smart, it's just a simple fact and it sounds like you already know that.  Here is the thing, and my advice to you....if her period was already supposed to start, then just go buy a pregnancy test with early detection and set your timer.  =)  You can have your answer tonight, they make them so accurate anymore.  Otherwise all you are doing is stressing out and adding anxiety to something that you cannot change the outcome of, so head out to 24 hours...and find out.  Good luck and although unplanned pregnancies are not always ideal, they are sometimes the best most incredibly wonderful thing to happen to a couple.  =)

  2. Im not sure what you mean by 'unprotected' because usually that would mean no form of contraception at all ie, the pill, condoms etc.  However if you mean you aren't using condoms but she is taking another form of contraception, ie the pill there is still a slim chance of pregnancy.  Just wait a few days to see if she is just late, sometimes extra pressure or stress can cause irregular periods or a sudden change in lifestyle or diet.

    Hope that helps!

  3. I was on ortho tri cyclen lo and my Dr. said that it's 98% effective.  I ended up being part of that 2%.  So you really take your chances, no matter how slim!

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