
Quick ear peircing question?

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if i got my ears pierced 20th july 2008 should they be ok to take out and leave out all day for school if i go back 10th of september? my school day is 8:30 - 2:50




  1. 3 months and still sober? and still at school?  I trust thats a private joke? You can't spell and can't use spell check. I suggest you forget about sluttty ears and do some homework..

  2. That's a hard one to say since everyone's body heals differently. One person might be okay having their piercing out for a school/work day, whereas the next person's might close after an hour or so.

    If it's something you really want you could try and if it closes it closes - at least you would know then.

  3. Yah you will be totaly fine. just make sure that you put them back in as soon as you can after school.  

  4. no, leave them in another week, just to be safe.

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