
Quick easy and fun tofu stir fry recipe?

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I'm tired of the same old recipes, and please don't just google something and post it, unless you really need the points, because it won't help me. Chances are I've tried it (or something similar) and didn't like it or did it so many times it became boring. Anybody have ideas that are different but don't take forever?




  1. Ok, this is what I did one day and it turned out fine. Took me bout 15 mins or so.  The measurements are approximations only.  

    1 package smooth tofu, chopped to bite-size cubes

    1 tbsp chopped onion

    1 tbsp chopped garlic

    Vegetarian oyster sauce (made from mushrooms)

    Worchestershire sauce (optional)

    Corn flour (to thicken sauce)

    Salt and pepper to taste

    Cooking oil/ Olive oil

    Heat oil in stir-fry pan.  Saute onion and garlic until fragrant.  Add about 3 tbsp oyster sauce and stir awhile.  Add a dash of Worchestershire. Add some salt and pepper.  Mix 1 tbsp corn flour and a small bowl warm water.  Gradually add into pan, stirring after each addition until desired 'thickness' of gravy.  If it's too thick, just add some water.  Taste the gravy and add oyster sauce, salt and pepper accordingly if too bland or more water if too salty.  Lastly, add tofu and let it simmer for a few minutes.

    You can modify by adding chopped carrots or mushrooms or whatever you like!  Eat with garlic rice, butter rice or just plain rice.

  2. It is from my blog, Asian vegetarian recipes, i still have not compile a full list of all tofu recipes, there are many more interesting one.

    If you are looking for quick, easy and simple one, have a look at my blog recipes with picture

    click on the label Tofu and Tofu II at the right hand side.  : )

  3. Well, out of quick, easy and fun, this recipe is the first two (quick and easy). Maybe if you put on some good music or the telly while cooking it'll be fun too though :)

    I buy ready-made, prepackaged Asian stir fry veggies. It usually has the staples - snow peas, those little baby corn things, water chestnut slices, bell peppers, onions, broccoli, and so on.

    I get a pot of water boiling and then toss in instant rice and follow instructions - ten minutes and it's done, can't complain, right? I pretty much let my rice sit covered on the stove top as I perfect the sauce and cube the tofu in because it just absorbs the water and steams up so it's nice and fluffy.

    I take extra-firm tofu right out of the tray, without even pressing it, and just pat it dry with a paper towel and cube it in. I really don't try to make it fancy or press it until it has a chicken like texture, but it's only a few more minutes if that's what you'd prefer. I don't mind the texture of tofu so I don't.

    I make sauces depending on the mood I'm in. They really make all the difference. You can't really do much about the basics - the rice, the veggies, the tofu. But the sauce is boss, so they say. I don't have recipes as much as I just go by taste and decide whether to add more sweet, more salty, more sour, more spicy.

    Lately I've been on a spicy kick so I make this hellfire sort of General Tso's sauce, with sesame seeds and red pepper flakes and hot peppers, it's delightful but a bit masochistic. Sometimes I like a slightly sweet and tangy sauce so I just a bit of orange juice, soy sauce, brown sugar, etc. I also like using bottled, ready stir fry sauces but it's vital to read the instructions because fish sauce sneaks into a lot of these Asian sauces.

    I just blend the veggies, sauce and tofu together in the skillet. I like to ladle my stir fry over steamed rice, I don't like mixing the two together beforehand.

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