
Quick feed my baby mouse help please!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so my cousin found a snake and he went to get a mouse to feed it and they gave him a baby one for free cause it was to little and he gave it to me i dont know what to feed it and i dont have any puppy milk and c**p like that.

hes pink, no eyes open

and has a lil bit of hair

i need help please i dont want her to die!




  1. I'm sorry but.... ugh!

  2. I don't know if you can help her.  You can make some milk/bread mash and feed it to the mouse.  I hope this helps!

  3. Oatmeal, but dont serve it hot.  

  4. This is the answer you're looking for:

  5. give the mouse, luke warm milk. any milk you have but be sure it's not too hot and feed it regularly.

  6. just keep her, get another, give that other one to him and keep the baby one!

  7. See if you can't find a store that carries canned goats milk.

    You should be able to feed it with a eye dropper or a cotton swab.

    Goats milk works for a lot of animals.

  8. Pet stores and vet offices sell special milk for baby animals who have no mama.  You use an eye dropper and drop a little in at the time.  If it is too late to get it now then you should drop in little drops of water so she doesn't dehydrate.

  9. put in some nuts like sunflower seed and stuff like that. i saved a mouse from a pet snake once... just put some lettece in there and seeds and nuts and some berries. maybe some cheese? make sure it has water. GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS<3

    feed it milk too. put it in a lil bowl.

  10. Get a real tiny dropper and feed him regular milk for now. It is not the best but it will keep him alive. After that get kittens milk in a can from a pet store or walmart.

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