
Quick ideas to keep a crazy 6 year old boy busy!!!?

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I'm currently babysitting my cousins. Their mother is overseas for a wedding and their father is here, but he's a doctor and works strange shifts, so when he's out working I look after them.

The boy is 6 and the girl is almost 8. She's quite well behaved, but he likes to cause a lot of trouble. Their parents aren't big on letting them use computers and tv all the time. It's raining here and it's really cold so we need inside stuff to do.

They're sleeping at the moment and have school during the day, but after school it's full on. We do homework first, but then have about 2 hours to spare.

We've been making lego, drawing pictures, playing card and board games, baking, plasticene etc.. but he's got an attention span of about 5 minutes.

What are some quick, tiring activities that we can do!?




  1. Ok. i babysit 2 6 year old boys, and here are some things they enjoyed-

    --make forts in the living room/bedroom, using bedsheets, chairs, pillows, etc. Then, play games inside; flashlight games are fun.

    --You could make a snack mix with chex cereal, marshmellows, pretzels, and crackers. He can help with that!

    --Make a scavenger hunt that leads all over the house, and ends with a simple prize. Or, make a list of things for them to find all over the house. ex; a paperclip, 3 red crayons, something furry, etc

    --Make "GAK", it's 1 cup glue, 1 cup cornstarch, and a tiny bit of water. (I think, you might want to find a recipe online) They can mix it together with their hands, then play with it! Adding foodcoloring makes it a different color, or you can use BORAX powder for green gak that won't stain clothes! The 6 year olds i babysit LOVED it and played with it for almost an hour!

    --Let them help you make supper

    --Make up your own board games with paper and crayons. They can use dice and playing pieces from another game, and make up special rules as well!

    --Make an obstacle course all around the house, and let them do it over and over again.. then change it up or make it more difficult. Ex; Spin around 10 times, hop across the family room, crawl under the table and back, etc

    --If they have a video camera, the kids can put on a show or make a movie.. then show it to dad when he gets home later.. or tomorrow

    --have a movie night-watch 1 movie, with popcorn and sleeping bags on the floor

    --There are recipes online for edible playdough! That would be fun to play with.. then they can eat it for a snack!

    --The little girl would probably like making jewelry

    --Paper Mache a soup can with tissue paper to make a cute pencil holder

    -HIDE-N-SEEK! The kids I babysit think it is SOOO fun when I actually hide and play with them! It lasts forever if I play.. instead of them playing alone..

    I can't think of anything else to do inside.. whoo!


  2. Make an indoor hut with sheets, doona's etc

    Build towers out of cards.

    Baking - biscuts etc for his school lunch for the next day.

    ... wow this is hard, using a PC am playstation games just keeps them so busy, but you mentioned they aren't allowed it .... (what they don't know won't hurt them!)

    Good Luck !

  3. Seems like your a good samaratin.


    I love the first answer but that might not work too well. Here are some of my suggestions:

    Playdough- I used to love it when i was a kid....just really tempted to eat it sometimes.....ha...yea

    Indoor basketball - An indoor sport with a really soft ball, you know those blow up plastic ones are pretty kool and can keep a kid occupied for a long time...but it also takes williness from you...just might not be a good thing considering your conditition....( I hope you've gotten better and like i promised, i have prayed for you a lot)

    Hide and seek- i think hide and seek is a perfect game. You dont need to run and you can play for ages....Arghh..i miss the old days.

    Thats bout all from me.

    I dont suggest least with the 6 year old boy.

    Boardgames can be really really boring.

    Trust me

    I hope that helps

    First Hide and seek, then a little indoor sports and end it with calm and soothing playdough.

    Cya Wabby

  4. Puzzles. Like 100 piece puzzles (might be too hard) or 50, or 25.  That's all I got for him and her to do.

  5. Dancing, Dance dance revolution mat?  Tumbling?  Make a fort out of blankets and stuff, play dough, moon sand, music instruments, Movies, Read books...I think that is all I have..Good Luck.

  6. first one to run to the bed and back gets a lolly




    watch a movie


    play hide and seek or tip


    sleeping lions


    who can go to sleep the quickest


    red light, green light


    keep up the good work :)

  7. Peanut butter on the top of the mouth.

  8. well im a "boy" and what keeps me busy is playing like video games and watching t.v but he's 6. soo like give him some ice cream let him get super hyper than like while hes hyped on the ice cream feed him alot of food soo he gets full and tired and then like let him have a nap or let him watch tv and while hes watching t.v put a blanket over him and let him nap. that will even work for me.

  9. hot wheels and a carpet that looks like a road he can drive the cars on, playdough (you can make it just look up on line how to).

  10. uhhhhh. pre school games like...... mother may I, red light green light.


    board games. macoroni art. coloring. hid-n-seek. scary stories. arts and crafts.

    hope i helped

  11. create an obstacle course in the living room out of furniture and stuff.

    bake cookies with them and let them make the shapes.

    play hide and seek.

    teach them something interesting, like gymnastics.  

    make clay creations.

    play pictionary.

    make a rock band.

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