
Quick poll: How many of you received +beta blood test after -hpt?

by  |  earlier

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I am currently 7-8 days late for AF and I took my beta test yesterday and should get results some time this morning or afternoon. I've gotten steady BFNs since last week. Of course I'm on pins and needles waiting so I decided to take a quick poll to find out how many of you got a positive beta after having late AF and -hpts?

I know that the chances that my beta is negative is greater than chances that its positive but I'm just asking others about their experiences.

Thanks :)




  1. I had a faint positive at 12dpo, the following day, had a positive beta, a week later at my first OB appointment, they did another urine test to confirm.  To my shock it was negative.  Turns out, my HCG levels were low.  Miscarried at 9 weeks, Blighted Ovum.  I wish you the best!

  2. Well, I have gone through 3 doctors to find my issues, but the first doctor gave me a blood test even though I had BFN's and it came back negative. I found out I had skin blocking everything and had to have it removed (caused AF to be random) I didnt find this out till the 3rd doc.

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