
Quick poll regarding marriage- how long?

by  |  earlier

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Quick poll, because other posts here made me think-

How long have you been married?

Is this your first marriage?

what is your belief?

I have been married 33 years.

This is my only marriage.

I am Christian.




  1. 4 years

    First marriage


  2. a-19 years

    b-first and only


  3. probably because you are not an actress or some kind of celebrity.

  4. It will be 18 years at the end of the month.

    Yes, first marriage.


  5. Married 41 years.

    First and only marriage.

    I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

  6. We have been married 68 years.

    This is, for both of us, our first marriage.

    We are Christians.

  7. First marriage,,three years,

    Second marriage,,five years

    Not religious.

  8. 15 years. 1 marriage. Atheist.

  9. Married 1 year, been together 6 years, we have been best friends since 6th gradeand used to stay at each others house and sleep in the same bed(before we we got to the age that it was weird), we are wiccan

  10. I've been married almost 6 months.

    This is my first marriage.

    I am a Wiccan and my partner is Atheist.

  11. How long have you been married? 8 years in December.

    Is this your first marriage? Yes.

    What is your belief? Pantheist Pagan & spouse is an Atheistic Pagan.

  12. I've been married 40 years and I am not one bit happy now  My wife is a pesty Holy Roller!  I dropped out of Christianity altogether even after been a pastor for many years!

  13. Fifteen years this past June.

    Yup. First and Only. And I don't care if your church recognises it...mine does.


    Edit: It isn't that we're Wiccan that make people call it not a marriage. It's because we're both women. My Clergy people hold us up as exemplars... . :)

  14. First marriage for both my husband and myself and we have been happily married for over ten years.  We are both Christians.  

  15. 2yrs and 3months.

    Yes it is.

    I am christian

  16. Been married 7 years.

    My first marriage to sweetheart since 8th grade.

    I am Buddhist, best father of two sons (8 and 11)

  17. a month and a half

    first and only marriage


  18. I am not married, but am engaged. I am a Roman Catholic.

  19. I've been blissfully wed to the same great lady for 25 years!

    Yes, the same one!

    We are both born-again, washed in the Blood of Christ, Spirit-filled, Christians.

    Thanks for asking.

    God Bless!

    Elder Gre(((SFCU)))

  20. 14 years


    Catholic Convert

  21. I'm getting close to celebrating my 8th anniversary.

    This is my second marriage. My first was a result of too young and too stupid. It lasted 3 years after 3 years of dating.

    I'm Wiccan.  

  22. Been married 4 years Sept. 4. Dated for 9 years.

    Nope,  I was married before. For 10 years - his girlfriend and drugs where more important than the kids and I were. I am a Catholic.  

  23. I've been single my whole life

    35 yo

    no religion

  24. 2 yrs, 6 mos


    church of christ

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