
Quick question about probability function?

by  |  earlier

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Say f(x) = |x| is a density function with domain [-1,1] and 0 elsewhere.

When sketching the function, does the 0 (elsewhere) line have a domain of (-infinity, -1) and (1, infinity) or (-infinity, -1] and [1, infinity) ?

If (-infinity, -1] and [1, infinity), why is this so?

I hope my description is clear :( Thanks a lot for any help.




  1. f(x) = |x| has a natural domain of all the Real numbers or - infinity to infinity.

    The probability function removes from the natural domain a subset [-1, 1] and assigns the range 0 to all numbers outside the small interval the answer 0.

    so the graph needs to reflect this over the three intervals:

    The graph of the function (- infinity, -1) will be 0 [-1, 1] will be |x| and finally, 91, infinity will be 0.

  2. I don't think that the function exists outside the domain given.  Otherwise all functions would be from -infinity to + infinity).  You see when you say "sketching the function" then it does not exist outside the domain given. I think the convention is that you have closed dots at the end of the graphs.

    Also the mod x means the lines are above the X axis Like a capital V.

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