
Quick question for woman is there a way to relieve back pain after pregnancy if you received epidural shot?

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Quick question for woman is there a way to relieve back pain after pregnancy if you received epidural shot?




  1. strong pain relievers

  2. u mean after giving birth...

    well i get pains at times... usually if i move into a different position it helps if not taking a pain killer also helps...[[if breast feeding Tylenol]]

    if its unbearable go to the doc

  3. For some the pain goes away soon after but if not any kind of pain relievers will work good. If you are breastfeeding ask the doctor which one to take.  

  4. A little more info would be helpful to give you the most useful answer.  If the lady in question is within six weeks of having delivered, then the back pain may ease off as she heals from that.  The ligaments all over the body naturally relax during pregnancy, to allow for the expansion and delivery.  Those will naturally re-tighten during the weeks following delivery.  Meantime, the abdominal muscles have which help with staying upright have had quite a workout, and aren't able to give as much support.  A maternity belt can sometimes help ease that sort of pain, while you wait to recover physically.  Back pain after an epidural is a major complaint for women who had them, and it increases if the lady had a c-section.  If it's been a few months since delivery, then she can try heat, anti-inflammatory drugs like Motrin, a chiropractor, or a Doctor of Osteopathy.  Floats in a hot tub of water can also help some, and sleeping on the side with a pillow between the knees to keep the spine aligned properly.  If the pain is due to an irritated nerve, that can take many months to heal - sometimes up to a year in some cases.  But if it's been less than 2-3 months since the procedure, most of what will help is rest, time, heat, and the Motrin.  

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