
Quick question on midnight sun?

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Don't worry this isn't a stupid question like Do you think Edward will be as s**y in midnight sun as he is in twilight?

Ok is my question...i was reading it and well i was confused because Edward says he has to hold his breath when he's around Bella and frequently look away to get take a breath of something else but i know midnight sun isn't done yet but didn't in one of the twilight books (i don't remember which one) say that vampires were excellent swimmers because they didn't have to hold their breath? I might be wrong because i read the books a while ago and maybe it is just a mistake on Stephanie Meyer's part or maybe i'm just over thinking things...




  1. Didn't you hear? Midnight sun has been delayed because some idiots have put the 12 chapters online.

  2. i agree with Bella

  3. first of all, i got the twelve chapters, b/c i know people, and i didn't do anything with them, except read them, so i'm *not* and idiot.

    second of all, yea, that was it on her website.

    third of all, the thing is that vampires don't have to breathe, but he has to breathe when he wants to talk, so that's what he would do.

  4. There don't need to breath to live they just do it out of habit they breath so they can smell and talk.

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  5. They don't need to breathe to live, they breathe out of habit and to smell things around's instinctual. Edward says he doesn't enjoy holding his breath because it cuts off one of his key senses, but it's necessary to do that around Bella so he doesn't kill her. Just like Bella did around Charlie in Breaking Dawn.

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