
Quick question to stupid law?

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There is a law in Illinois that you can't take a dog on the beach does that apply to Wisconson or Iowa as well?




  1. no, but they might have their own law

  2. thats at alot of beaches

    we have that in australia

    i like that rule at certain beaches

    fk swimming with other peoples dogs

  3. it could . Maybe its because they dont it to p**p there.

  4. There is NOT a Federal law on the issue.  STATE laws apply only in the STATE that passed them.  So NO, the Illinois law does NOT apply in Wisconsin or in Iowa.  That said, I have no idea if Wisconsin or Iowa have their OWN laws on the subject.

  5. No!... ( that might concern nude beaches! )

  6. I went to a beach a couple months ago and it was completely LITTERED with dog poo. When the maintenance came to clean it up, you know what they did? They used a rake to clean up most of the poo, and whatever poo leftover was just covered by fresh sand. Now imagine this: Kids love digging in the sand. Just be courteous and not walk your dog on a public beach, regardless of whatever the law is. It's just unsanitary.

    Different beaches have different rules. Go to the community center, or whoever owns that part of the beach, and ask them. Look for signs about pets. If none are visible, then you can't get in trouble for letting your dog poo there.

  7. Are you seriously asking this question? Because I didn't know that Iowa has beach, where?                                                                                              Update --                 You are right!  I just checked and Gray Lake has beach where you are not allowed to bring dogs. SORRY

  8. Well I'm not good at geography but if Wisconsin and iowa is in Illinois i think so

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