1. Please select age bracket you belong to:
A. (<18)
B. (18-24)
C. (24-30)
D. (30 +)
2. Please state your country of residence:
3. Do you have an interest in water sports? (Surfing, sailing, swimming)
4. Can you Surf?
5. If you answered yes to question 3 how long, have you been surfing?
6. Please select which category you belong to:
A. Beginner
B. Intermediate
C. Advanced
7. If you answer No to question 3, would you be interested in learning?
8. Have you ever attended a surfing school?
9. Have you ever surfed in Ireland, if you answered yes please state location?
10. Do you study or work as a surf coach?
11. Do you understand about all the different boards available?
12. Do you understand the surf terminology used?
13. Would you be likely to watch a surfing DVD for Ireland, which includes best locations, surf schools, basic training steps involved info on boards& gear?