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I am throwing a birthday party for my 15 year old cousin, Katie, and my mid-60-ish year old Grandmother. Their birthdays are June 14th &17th.

We have a fun outgoing family and we ALWAYS do themes for family birthday parties. (Silly, I know!) So we were thinking "Gemini" theme for their birthday party. Gemini is "the twins" sign.

So far we have everyone paired up (spouses, etc...) to dress like twins.

We need LOTS more ideas for the party so if you think you have a fun idea for decoration, games, tips, etc...give it up!!!

I'd really appreciate the help!!!




  1. Have the twins play the limbo game

  2. you could have a Siamese twin race- tie up different parts of their bodies together and have them run through some sort of obstacle course.

    tarot card reader would be cool! or print out every ones horoscopes...maybe pick up some type of astrology book that tells you about you on the specific day you were born (my sister has one and it's really cool to read!)

    heres a site with lots of game ideas

  3. 1. "Find the Constellation" Put up a map of the night sky and see if anyone can find Gemini.

    2. "Pin the the Project Gemini Space Shuttle on the Moon" You know, like pin the tail on the donkey.

    3. Watch the Kiran Rathod film, the Shinya Tsukamoto film, and the Smallville episode all called "Gemini".

    4. Find as many songs as you can called "Gemini" (there are many) for the soundtrack.

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