
Quick summary of General Hospital yesterday, 9/1/08?

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Quick summary of General Hospital yesterday, 9/1/08?




  1. It was a rerun bc of the holiday. They showed Logans death again.

  2. GH wasn't on yesterday.  It was the Jerry Lewis MD Telethon all day. So, you didn't miss a thing.

  3. Hi there,

    You didn't miss anything spectacular only because it was the repeat of Logan's death! At least that's what I read, all the other soaps weren't on either so I'm betting that's what it was, plus I read daytimeconfidential and that's what it said so there's your answer sweetie!

  4. they showed a repete of that day when Jax and Kate were in tht limo and it looked like she was (well lets just say she had her head between his legs) didnt miss a new episode..its 2 pm here and starting right now gotta go

  5. Nothing new just a re-run of Logans death

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