
Quickcure Ick treatment

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Two of my silver dollars and my pleco in my 55 gallon tank have gotten ick. I have silver dollars, tetras, blood parrot cichlids in there. The quick cure says to use 1 drop per gallon, but for tetras 1 drop per 2 gallons. Since I have tetras and other fish, do I do one drop per gallon or 2 drops per gallon. What would happen if I did one drop per gallon. Would it kill the tetras?




  1. I used to loose all my fishes every time they got sick. I got "aquari-sol" and follow the instructions. when my fishes get sick, I raise the temperature a little bit put the dose recomended and turn the lights off for a couple of days, I read this one somewhere and I'm not sure if is the medicine or the "light" thing but since then I never lost any fish. I used it even with tetras in the tank and none of them died.

    p.s. Be careful it contains copper, and it would kill any invertebrate (snails, shrimp, crayfish) you may have in your tank.

    Good luck with your fishes.

  2. I honestly would ditch the meds and use a more natural treatment. Sometimes meds can stress fish out more. The best meds to use however are ones that contain malachite green. I would suggest trying this first. Slowly raise the temp of the tank up to 82 degrees, and add some aquarium salts. By raising the temperature you are causing the parasite to go through it's life cycle faster, and the salts help to kill them when they are free swimming. If this method does not work, then resort to meds. I would use only one drop per 2 gallons, just to be on the safe side.

  3. I agree that you should use a nartual cure, I lost 3 8 inch iridescent sharks when I use quICK cure and super ick cure.

  4. When discussing natural treatments, salt can hardly be included.  Dumping sodium chloride into a fish's water is far from natural, and really, considerably more stressful in many cases than a proper dose of medication.  Quick Cure's instructions are fairly vauge-- really, it should say 1 drop per 2 gallons for any scaleless or sensitive fish, including Tetras and other Characins (Silver Dollars), Catfish (Plecos too), Loaches, Puffers, Knifefish, or others.  The recommended half dose of Quick Cure wouldn't be a terrible choice-- worst case scenario is that the fish get a FAR sublethal dose of malachite green and formalin.  Be sure to remove any activated carbon from the filter AND keep the tank dark during treatment-- activated carbon adsorbs malachite green and formalin, and malachite green degrades with exposure to light.  Do not raise the temperature when treating with medications, as this drastically reduces the amount of oxygen held in the water.

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