Question: this a trick question?

by  |  earlier

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the smartest and funniest answer is gonna get 10 points! with no hard wrok just a sense of humor lol

(i'll choose the best answer after 40 minutes from now)




  1. The funniest and best answer.

  2. babbalabbaloo!!!!?!????!!!!!!!! wheres the question! zippetie doodah!

  3. only if this is a trick answer

  4. Yo mama so fat when she wears a yellow raincoat people say "Taxi " !

    yo mama so old <hen  I  told her to act her age she died  !

  5. i could use 10 points

  6. well i don't know it depends.........if i'm an alien then no it's not.......but i have a feeling that it is wich would mean i'm not an alien.......but i am so idk i'm confused .....

    the previous statement is false, i think, wait, no ahhhh idk aymore, but i'm not an alien,,,,,,

  7. Nah!  However,it's about as useless as a jam sandwich to a drowning rabbit!!!.

  8. Oooooooooo! Pick me! This is the smartest and funniest answer!!!!!

    I'm funny.................. blah blah BLAH!

    And I'm smart....................E=MC little two!

  9. It is only a trick question if the question isn't a question at all, unless the question is about the tricks of houdini.

  10. This Q's so tricky, david copperfield made it disappear!  whooooooaaaa!

  11. it is a trick question if you were trying to trick us but because we knew you had a trick question we answered it in trickery and so your trick question wasn't a trick question if we gave you a trick answer so answer this did you give us trick question... so if you did try to trick us you did indeed gave us a trick question

  12. Wait.........what?

    i hate trick questions =[

  13. Yo mama so ugly your Daddy takes her to work each day so he doesn't have to kiss her goodbye.

  14. ahhhhhhhhhh - trick question!!!!!!! oooooooo - ten points

    i wouldnt mind them ten points....

    in fact...i would LOVE ten points.....i sure wish i could have ten points now or within the next 40 minutes (hint hint)

  15. ok. well hello am i typing on a phone? wait no i'm not this is a computer no wait its a key board. ahhhhhhhhh. heehee! hi. bye want to know a joke website? huh?huh?huh?  well heres one:

  16. What are you trying to do get a whole bunch of people to answer your question listen sweety not all of us can be funny this is  adisgrace to the huiman kind that just are not humarly chanllenged how do you think they feel right getting asked to do something they cant do. now run along and stop making others feel bad and while your at it get a sence of humor

  17. You have to wait 4 hours before they will let you choose a best answer.  In the meantime you should go take a bath and get some pizza and chillax while people try to figure out what in the world your "question" is about lol !

  18. reem reem you smell you sour cream (8)

    only jokin, dont be smokin, dont fire ya lazer beam!

    reem reem your brothers sweating steam!

    only jokin, dont be smokin, he just had a WET DREAM!

    hahaa come on! im planning to go on yo mamma...

  19. no its not a trick question but there is no smart/funny answer either. give me ten points and i'll dance tho

  20. Where is the question that's to be judged on whether it's a trick question or not?

  21. lol wheres the question?...IM CONFUSED!!! lol

  22. if this was a trick question then I think i would know but if its not then idk what to my friends were right i am a blonde im so confused :-)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. It is a trick question if you want it to be a trick question.

  24. youre right this isnt hard wrok!

  25. Its a trick quesiton cuz ur just a trickster and im just so confused!!

    plz help cuz im so tricked by ur trick question!

  26. yes cuz u have to wait like 2 hours to choose a best answer?? Wait when's now? Where's the question? Ohh no its not a trick question cuz there is no question!! Hahaha

  27. leonardo dicaprio is goodlooking, school of rock is fave movie

  28. Well i would have to reply to that statement by saying animal crackers with printer ink in antartica. i hope that answers your question

  29. For answer see below:

    Was it worth it?

  30. Well, it could and it couldn't be a question...But's your choice...well it COULD be a trick question, because there really isn't a right answer...I'm confused! :)

  31. ...





    black man black man you got any weed

    yeah homey yeah homey three bags full

    one for my home boy one for me on for the white man who lives in the hood

    black man black man you got any weed

    yeah homey yeah homey three bags full

    sorry if this offends any one im not trying to be stereotype

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