
Quija board game have you played it? what were your experiences?

by  |  earlier

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i always heard that game was bad and made ppl change in a way

many say it didnt do no effect on them and others say don tgo near it and others say they played it once and nevr again.

so i was wondering why is it bad?

and why would you not play it again?

and what happend when you played it?


just wondering




  1. Every time I played it, no matter who else it was with it would always spell out my name and tell me I am going to die. But whatever. It's fun I guess. I haven't played in a few years, I don't even know where my board is, but yeah I'm still alive. I think people just like to over dramatize sometimes. I know a lot of people who have played it and haven't had any negative experiences.

  2. OK wow well at first it gets really addicting and its really fun! It tells you alot of stuff u need to know, except there lies. Once i told the spirit to touch me and it felt tingly and cold. But later on I found out that your really talking to a devil no matter how nice they seem. The more you get addicted to it the more likely you will get possesed. I had me Ouija board up in my closet; even having the board it attracts things, i felt people touching me constantly and i saw a girl walk by and two boys (twins) It looked like they were trying to tickle me. I found out by a physic that the girl was trying to get back at me for domething my grandmothers sister did. She found me from having a ouija board. So i suggest to use it a few times and just get rid of it.


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