
Quilt? or Quilt top? Amish? hand/machine made?

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  1. Eileen,
    It is actually quite common for the Amish to use the polyester batting you described as present in your quilt.  It's economical, easy to quilt, it's fluffy character gives definition to the stitches, and it doesn't shrink.  On eBay, quilts that claim to be amish-made or 'amish quality' are typically being imported from India particularly if they are described as having 100% cotton batting--this should be a red flag that they are not authentic Amish quilts.  Mitered corners are also not typical of Amish quilt construction techniques--this would represent another red flag regarding authenticity.  Stitches per inch should be in the 7-8 range or better, although a lot of shops these days are using the skill level of 6 stitch per inch quilters.  Anything below this stitch level, which is beginner for most young Amish girls, would be another indication of questionable origin.  I would recommend that you ask these two questions of the eBay sellers:  stitches per inch and batting type?  I didn't include mitered corners because some Mennonite quilters use this technique.  You might also cast a dubious eye at any quilts that offer also pillow shams, this is not typical of the Amish quilt, but some shops do offer them as they are popular with consumers.  
    I hope this was helpful,
    Plain & Simple Quilts
    Ethridge, Tennessee

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