
Quit my bipolar meds!?!?

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I been told by numerous people that since I been put on 200mg Lamictal, 60 mg or Prozac, and .5 mg of klonopin, that I have been more testy, high strung, and not laid back like i used to be. I got put on these cause I have taken every anti depressent there was except prozac. At this time though my doctor wanted me on the mood stabilzer too cause he thought i had Bipolar II. I think I was just battling depression and anxiety so I stopped everything last tuesday. I know you shouldnt do this but I do not care, Ive done way worse things to my body and survived. i believe the lamictal made my anxiety worse and me high strung and whacked out. I havent taken that in a week and feel good. Im only taking 20mg of prozac and the klonopin .5 twice a day. I feel good and more myself. Anyone have any similar experiences or comments??????




  1. I can understand why you would stop taking the Lamictal if you think its making you more anxious, but why have you decreased the amount of Prozac? I have bipolar II and I would be terrified to do that with my anti-depressant even if I was still taking my mood stabiliser

  2. I ran out of my medication (not for bipolar) but found that I was forgetting a lot of things, getting moody and unable to concentrate.  Mind you at the same time my father died so I guess Im not a good example.  I had to go back on it because I was unable to sleep for more than 4.5 hours a night and had to go to work the next day.

  3. I need to start off by saying that I do not recommend doing this.

    Ok - I've put in my professional statement and I can feel better about talking about this.

    Lamictal is a mood stabilizer. It can cause depression and anxiety along with many other side effects. If you were already experiencing these symptoms, they could have gotten worse which can cause the high strung (increased anxiety) and testy (again anxiety). What I don't understand is that Lamictal is usually used in Bipolar I not II.

    The klonopin is used to relax people, treat anxiety disorders. If you were reacting to the Lamictal, the dose you are on at .5 wouldn't  do anything for you. Without the Lamictal in your system you are experiencing what klonopin can do for you.

    As for Prozac, many people go through a lot of antidepressants before they find one that will work for them. Once it is working, people's outlook can take a 180 turn. It can make them feel good, sometimes better than they have before. As for the dose, I am all for being on the least medication as possible. I see people with bipolar, depression, PTSD, and other diagnosis get off all medications and live happy, healthy lifes.

    So, self-medication is not recommended but if you really want to do it, you didn't do anything bad to yourself. Decreasing from the dosages that you were on to what you decided to take can't hurt you. Your symptoms may come back, but they can being on where you were too.

    As for what to do now, I would suggest to not tell your doc for about a month to make sure what you have done is working long term. Then if it is, tell him and state that you want to stay were you are.

    What I would like to suggest, is that you learn how to do meditaion. Not nessessarily the yoga poses and stuff. But where you relax, clear your mind, go inside yourself to check in, become more aware of your body and how to control its responses to stress. Guided imagery can also help with this. Journaling, talking, doing something you like, can also help you relax.

    Relaxing will help you to be able to get off even more medications.

    I hope that this helps give you another perspective.

    Best Wishes!!!

  4. It's best to wean yourself off of psych meds.  There's less chance of a negative reaction and withdrawal.  

    That being said, I don't want to lecture you!, the answer to your question is - yes - some people have the opposite reaction to Lamictal.  Instead of stabilizing the mood, it causes anxiety and irritability.  The med makes matters worse.  This could have happened to you.

    Call your doc and tell him/her that you stopped the Lamictal and why.  See what the response is.  You may be told to keep on doing what you're doing or perhaps try a different med to replace the Lamictal.

    Your doc has to be clued in.  After all, the doc is there to help you.  Remember that.  Feel good.    

  5. I'm a bipolar also.I admit that I adjust my meds myself.I also work very carefully with my doctor while doing this.I've be put on many different medicines that haven't agreed with me.Like Lamictal,it made me violent.After it was pointed out to me(I didn't notice it at first) ,I started paying more attention and sure enough I was more violent.(Not like me at all)You just need to carefully figure out what works and what doesn't.Make sure you let your doctor know what your doing!!! Remember you know your body and self best.Good luck and I'm glad your feeling better : )

  6. My son was dx 7 yrs ago. I tell him only he knows how he feels. He doesn't always take the full amount of medicine he's prescribed and is doing quite well. We all know our body and what makes us feel better, what works for one person may not help another. Good luck adjusting your meds.

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