

by  |  earlier

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ok, so i work at a gas station/convenience store. ive been working there a little over 2 months, about 2 weeks into working, they switched management and the new management has put me on graveyard shifts for weekends, im 18, i virtually need my weekends, i dont party or anything but its my down time and thats when i do my homework, not to mention how tired it makes me and this is not the first kind of job i wanted, i already asked for different hours and nothing happened, so i just want out, i dont want to be mean or anything, but since i work weekends only, it would be alright if i said next weekends gonna be my last week right? (because this week until next is one, and then after that they wouldnt be needing me til the next weekend anyways so its 2 weeks), please give me some good input, quitting is the only option so please dont give me any other advise, thanks

i am an "at risk" employee so i dont know if i am absolutely required to give 2 weeks, but is that up there 2 weeks?




  1. Quit, and make it dramatic.  

    Then see the equal opportunity board and tell them you were discriminated against... works best if your from an ethnic minority or if you're a female (and judging by the question... you either are a chick or are considering it)  you can cry sexual harrassment.

    If you can't bothered with any of this, just get another job.

  2. you should always give at least two weeks notice when you're quitting or resigning from a position. places you work go on your record and being deemed "not eligible for rehire" will not look good. stick it out for two more weeks, you'll be glad you did.

  3. I had a really crappy job too- I was a retail manager when i was 19. Everybody else quit, so the other manager and myself were working three 12 hour shifts in a row so that the other one could have some time off. Plus, in retail, you don't get acknowledged for anything good that you do. Im sure its the exact same way where you work. Its understandable to want weekends to yourself. Especially if you are still in school. These are all very good reasons. The next time you work, say, "Im sorry, but this job just isn't a good fit for me. Its too stressful for me while I'm in school. I hate to do this to you, but I'm going to be leaving. If you want me to work out a two weeks, then (Insert date here) will be my last day. If you don't want me to, i understand." Sometimes they will be mad and won't want you to work out a 2 weeks. You can at least offer. Its polite. Good luck.
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