
Quiting smoking do you have any suggestions?

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i am on my third day.i am on chantrix to help me quit.




  1. i stoped an addiction for me by doing things that makes me forget about doing the addiction, ! hehehe, music was awesome and a great help

    try doing something that takes your mind of smoking when you want to smoke,

  2. All I can tell you is, people I know that have tried cold turkey, have failed. It drove them nuts wanting to smoke so bad, that they caved in.

    The people I know that have quit by cutting back have succeeded. That way they ease out of it. Ween themselves off. Not driving themselves nuts days later. Hope that helps.

  3. I use the Nicoret gum, it's kind of funky tasting, but it totally works for me.

  4. Smoke Tea...

    its none addictive and it makes you feel as if smoking a Cig but there are no bad effects.

  5. Try a homeopathic remedy called Lobelia and one called Nux Vomica. Use the Lobelia when you are craving a cigarette and the nux vomica to stop yourself from wanting to eat more due to lack of nicotine. After about 10 days or so, most people say they don't crave cigs anymore...and the nice thing about homeopathic remedies...there are no adverse side effects or drug interactions.  

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